Chapter 24: Proposal

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~Laurance's POV~

I bought an engagement ring. Valentine's Day is tomorrow. I just hope he says yes. I wasn't to make it romantic. Knowing Garroth, he'd prefer if it was cute, and as he'd say, "fluffy". So, I'll do it in the morning.

~Time Skip to Valentine's Day Eve|Third Person POV~

All seemed perfect in MyStreet. Laurance was extremely nervous with what was to happen the very next morning. Laurance was proposing to Garroth. To everyone, the answer seemed simple, but to Laurance, he was scared and he didn't know what the answer would be. He only told Swim, because everyone has gotten to know the people from the side of the rode.

"Calm down Laurance. You know that Garroth loves you! It's OBVIOUS he'll say yes!" Swim says, encouraging Laurance.

"You sure Swim?" Laurance asks the brunette.

"YES!" She screams.

"Alright, alright! Will you stop yelling?" Laurance asks his friend.

"Ugh, fine. But yelling is fun. Do you feel confident yet?" Swim asks him.

"Sure, if I can leave, I'll say I'm confident." Laurance replies.

"You're clearly stating you aren't confident Laurance." Swim says, sincerely.

"Is anyone ever not nervous about proposing to the love of their life?" Laurance asks the older girl.

"Everyone's nervous Laurance, but let me ask you a few questions. When waking up, is Garroth just laying there, looking at you and messing with your hair gently?" Laurance nods his head. "Does he take time to just cuddle with you for a day?" Once again, Laurance nods his head. "Will he do things you love and vise versa?" Swim asks Laurance.

"Yes, but what are you trying to prove?" Laurance questions her.

"The fact that you two are deeply in love with each other." Swim says, Laurance blushes a bit. "Now your confident. I can tell. Good luck tomorrow buddy." Swim says. Laurance gets up and walks back to his and Garroth's house. Travis and Dante moves out a while back, moving in with their boyfriends, letting Garrance have the house alone.

~Swim's POV~

I could tell Laurance needed a confidence boost. He told me he was going to propose to Garroth this Valentine's Day, and I started squealing, saying that was adorable and telling him congrats. Just for letting their relationship get to this point. I was happy for the two. They've been trying to set me up, and I told them I wasn't a romantic type. They were disappointed that I wouldn't give love a shot.

"Hey Swim!" Aph says.

"Hey Aphmeow!" I reply.

"What're you thinking about?" Aph asks me.

"Random things." I reply.

"Have you found anyone to love yet?" Aph asks, hopefully.

"What is it with everyone trying to set me up? I honestly don't believe in a romance for myself." I say.

"Aww, you sure?" Aph asks, disappointed.

"Very." I reply. Aph walks away. It starts raining. I get water on me and I run to my door. It's locked?! But, my friends are outside!! I don't have my keys with me. I struggle trying to hopefully open the door, only to fail. With five seconds left, I run to the back door. I transform there, and I use my heating power to dry off. I run inside my house, absolutely terrified. I don't know if anyone saw me or not. The back door is glass, so if anyone was in this room, I'm screwed unless it was Adam or Ari. I open my eyes and see no one. I'm safe. I collapse on the couch, tired. I start dreaming.

-Dream Start-

I'm in Greenfield. Why am I here?! Why would I be dreaming of- Oh. I see why.

"Hey Swim! Record?" Sky asks me. Sky. I forgot about him.

"Yup! Is it a cops and robbers?" I ask him.

"You bet!" Sky replies. Sky and I were close friends back then. We both discovered we were mer people. But, I had to leave. It's been five years since I last called Sky on Skype, and seven years since I lived in Greenfield. Alesa and Sky were my best friends, but I think they've forgotten about me by now. I stopped watching his videos. I started crying upon hearing his voice. We were inseparable, basically glued to each other. Us moving felt like hell to me. I don't know about him. Now, I live my life, but Sky is starting to come back and haunt me. Memories flowing back, and now, I don't know what to do.

-Dream End-

It really has been seven years, hasn't it? Well, I should stop worrying about him. He probably doesn't remember me.

~Time Skip to Morning of Valentine's Day|Laurance's POV~

I wake up first today. I'm happy with that. I start playing with Garroth's hair, waiting for him to wake up. I grab my phone, and make sure it's the day. February 14, the day I propose. He wakes up, and kisses me, he seems to be fully awake. I open the drawer. I grab the ring I bought a few weeks ago.

"Hey Garroth?" I say, grabbing his attention. He looks at me and smiles.

"Yeah Laur?" He asks. I grab the box, and slowly open it.

"I know we've only been dating for a little over a year, but I felt like I should ask the question. Garroth Ro'Meave, will you marry me?" I ask. I see the tears forming in his eyes, as his hands cover his mouth. He slowly nods his head, saying yes.

"Yes Laurance. Absolutely yes! I love you!" Garroth says, hugging me. After five minutes of him hugging me, he pulls away and I put the ring on his finger.

"Thank you Gar." I say.

"For what?" He asks.

"For loving an idiot like me." I reply. He hugs me again, and kisses my cheek.

"How can I not love you. You are the best." Gar says. I kiss his cheek, and we stay hugging for a while. "Should we go tell the others?" He asks me.

"Swim first, I promised her." I say. We go to Swim's house, we hear soft crying from inside. We look through the window to see Swim hugging a pillow softly crying as she's watching something on the TV. We knock on the door. She pauses the show and comes to the door. She sees it's us.

"So?" Swim asks, sniffling a little. Garroth holds up his ring. She smiles and hugs us. "Congrats guys. I better be invited to the wedding." She says, jokingly. She looks behind us and her jaw drops. We see someone just coming out of their car. They see Swim. Swim runs up to them and hugs them. The man starts rubbing circles on her back.

~Sky's POV~

"I thought I'd never see you again and you'd forgotten about me." Swim says, crying into my shoulder.

"I've been trying to find you, hoping you were watching my videos." I say.

"I started crying every time I watched them." She says.

"Well, I'm here now." I say.

*Why did I just add Sky in? Whatever. I think it's because on Swim_Glow_Turtle I have Sky as a merman with me, and I wanted to make that appear in this as an ending I guess. Well, enjoy the epilogue, and please read the thank you note. BU BYE!!*

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