High in the Sky

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Dean's POV

"I'm never doing that again." I mumbled as I laid my head back on the seat of the airplane.

"We warned you to stop." Roman said to me. He sat by the window while Seth slept soundly in the seat next to the isle.

"You should have freaking took the glass out my hand." I told him as my head throbbed slightly.

"We did." He said while shaking his head, "You'd only pick it back up. You're not 20 anymore Ambrose. Hangovers don't get easier with age."

"Tell me about it." I groaned, "I gotta piss."

"Again?" He asked, "Didn't you just go like 20 minutes ago?"

"Shut up and stop monitoring my bladder." I say while standing up and walking to the back of the plane to the restrooms.

I knock on the door, then twist the knob once I don't hear anyone respond.

After a few minutes, I had taken care of my business, then turned the water on to wash my hands just as I heard a knock on the door.

"One minute." I say, but the knob twisted and soon the door opened.

"You really should lock it y'know." Seth said as he walked in and closed the door.

"What are you doing?" I asked him as he walked over and wrapped his arms around my waist and placed a kiss on the back of my neck which causes me to shiver.

"Just came to check on you." He said his hands slipped through the waistband of my pants.

"Seth," I say as I bite my lip, "We're on a plane..."

"Then we'll just have to be quick and quite." He laughed lowly into my ear, taking one hand out of my pants and using it to lift my shirt over my head.

I closed my eyes and a small moan escaped my mouth as he ran his hand across my length.

"Hard already babyboy?" He asked me and I could see him smirking through the mirror.

"You're really gonna tease me right now?" I asked him, "This isn't the place. There's barley any room in here."

"You want it in here or out there for everyone to see?" He asked me and I stayed silent, "Good boy, bend over."

I leaned into the counter and sucked in a breath when he pressed himself against me while unbuckling my belt.

"You know I love it when your speechless right?" He growled as his hand came down hard on my ass before pulling my jeans and boxers down.

I shuttered as he ran his hand up to my shoulder, then dug his nails into my back and trailed back down.

I moaned as the sharp pain quickly turned into pleasure when he proceeded to do it the second time.

He grabbed a hand of my hair and pulled it roughly, causing me to shout out.

"Quite Dean." He said with a teasing laugh, "You don't want others to hear you."

"Will you just do it already." I say through gritted teeth.

"Eager." He teased again while slapping my ass harder than he had before.

"Seth please.." I whined and scolded myself for doing so.

"Well since you asked so nicely." He said as I heard him unzipping his zipper before grabbing my waist.

"This may hurt a bit this time baby." He said as he aligned himself against me then waisted no time pushing himself in with no mercy.

I yelled out and he quickly clasped a hand over my mouth to keep me from screaming out any further.

He removed his hand from my mouth and roughly grabbed my waist, sinking his fingernails into my skin which caused me to yelp.

"You make another noise and I'll make sure they you won't be able to sit comfortably for the rest of this trip." He growled at me.

I moaned out but stayed quite as he sped up his thrusts.

From that point, every scratch, hit, pinch or act of pain was immediately converted into a since of pleasure that I had never experienced before.

"Fuck me god damn it." I moaned out, not caring about my volume or the threat he had made earlier.

His hand came down hard on my ass two times and I cry out before he placed his hand over my mouth again.

"Is it your plan to disobey me baby?" He growled into my ear as he used the other hand to pull my hear as he thrusts continued, each one more powerful than the last.

I moan loudly agonist his hand and move my own hand down to my throbbing cock and stroke it slightly.

I could feel my legs getting weak and that familiar since I'd pleasure in my stomach.

"I'm gonna cum." I mumbled against his hand and he thrusted harder.

"Hold it." He growled and I could feel myself losing control by the second, each of his thrust hitting my prostrate head on.

"Please Seth please." I whined as soon as he took his hand off mouth and placed it on my waist again, gripping it tight and pulling me back onto him.

I could do nothing but moan at that moment. Feeling more pleasure than I ever had before and not being able to release was simply killing me.

After a few more thrusts, he grunted the word "now" and I waisted no time releasing. Feeling as through the world was shattering around me

"Knees," he growled, not even giving me time, "Now."

I drop to my knees, still shaking, and I watch him tug at his already leaking cock a few times times.

"Finish it baby." He said to me and I quickly took him into my mouth, deep throating him a few good times before he released in my mouth.

"Fuck!" He shouted as he pushed my head down, holding me there as his cock continued to twitch in my mouth.

He moaned lowly as I continued to suck for a few more seconds before taking him out of my mouth.

"You taste good." I say with a smirk and look up at him, wiping the cum that had escaped my mouth with my thumb and placing it on my tongue.

He immediately dropped to go knees and roughly placed his mouth into mine, his tongue dancing around mine as his hands ran through my hair and my hands rubbed up and down his back.

There was a sudden rocking and we both stopped.

"It was just turbulence." Seth said, sounding out of breath.

"I forgot we were on a plane." I say to him, attempting to catch his breath.

"Welcome to the Mile High Club." He said with a smirk before placing his lips on mine again.

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