Sunset Kisses

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"You're... Killing... Me." I breathed as we had finished another lap around the private track that Vince had rented out for us to use while we stayed here for the night. It was directly across the street from the hotel so it was perfect location for us.

It was a Thrusday evening, the sky was a beautiful orange and pink color and we didn't have any live shows, and I had somehow let Seth convince me to exercise... For fun.

Don't get me wrong, I don't mind breaking a sweat, but we could be at a bar, or a movie, but no, we were doing death sprints around the track because I refused to let him be faster than me.

"Tired already baby boy?" Seth asked me with a laugh, he wasn't even sweating yet.

"'Tired already?'" I questioned as I tiredly sat down on the grass, "We did twenty freaking laps!"

"We did seven," he corrected, "That's almost two miles."

"You and your weird Crossfit workouts are going to fucking kill me." I breathed and placed my hands over my head to calm down my breathing.

"You look good all exhausted though." He said to me with a smirk.

I shot him a middle finger and he laughed before grabbing my hand and helping me stand up.

I lost my balance slightly and would have feel flat on my face if it wasn't for Seth who had extended his arm to catch me.

"Fall for me I see?" He teased and I rolled my eyes.

"Oh please." I commented as I felt him hold me closer to him.

He had been doing that a lot lately. The tight holding, and a lot of smiling, a lot of touching that felt... different.

"You looked nice today." He said quietly.

"So I looked gross all the other days?" I asked him with a laugh, "Why can't you just compliment me everyday or something?"

"I'll make note of that." He said with a small laugh before brining his lips to mine, silencing me from making another comment.

It was soft unlike most of the time, sweet, and it was almost enough to scare the living hell out of me because I haven't felt like this with anyone.

There was a sudden loud beep and we both jump apart and look further down the track to see a small golf cart coming out way. Paige riding on the very top of it while Renee drove with sunglasses perched on her nose.

"Get in." Renee said in a serious tone.

"Is this a action movie or something?" I asked with a laugh, "Is somebody going to get shot."

"Will you just get in!" Renee urged, "You're totally ruining the mood dude."

I glanced at Seth who shrugged with a small sigh, "Get in."

We both walked over to the cart, Seth sitting in the seat next to Renee while I was forced to sit in his lap, which I could tell he enjoyed.

"Where are we going?" I asked Renee.

"It's called taking a drive." Renee said, "This place has more than just a track y'know. It's actually quite nice."

"You interrupted our moment for a drive?" Seth said while playfully rolling his eyes at her.

"Oh relax." She said, "You two are gonna get busy when you get back to the hotel room so why does it matter?"

"Can I pay to watch that?" Paige asked from above.

"No." I say to her.

"It depends on how much your willing to pay-" Seth started to say but I hit him.

"Ouch." He said playfully while wrapping his arms around my waist and practically squeezed the live out of me.

"Cute." I heard Renee mumbled as she smiled and the four of us drove further off into what seemed like the sunset.

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