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Seth's POV

"Just go in there and just say it," I mumbled to myself as I paced back and forth outside Dean's dressing room, "Just blurt it out. It can't be that hard."

But it was that hard. I was practically sweating through my shirt and my breathing was uneven. I can't just say it. But the longer I held it off, the harder it felt to say it.

"Just do it." I muttered to myself one last time before opening Deans door and barging in.

"Dean I love-" I started to say but my voice was cut off at the sight of Dean standing half naked before me. A towel wrapped around his waist, but one of his tight black 'DA' shirts already on. His hair still dripping wet from what seemed like a recent shower.

"Do you ever knock?" He asked with a small laugh but I could see his cheeks turn a shade of red.

"You um, look nice." I stumbled over my words as I stared at him again.

"You're just saying that because I'm half dressed." He said to me.

"I like to look at it as half naked." I say with a small laugh while walking into the room and over to him.

"Don't try to start anything." He said as I wrapped my arms around his waist, "We got a match soon."

"Then why shower before the match?" I asked him, "You're just gonna get all sweaty."

"Because I wanted to shower alone." He said with a laugh as he turned around to face me, my arms still around him, "You normally take showers with me after our matches."

I hummed slightly, "One of my favorite hobbies."

He laughed, "What were you saying when you came in here? I didn't hear you."

"I was uh..." I trailed off. I really wasn't sure if I could do this... at least not right now, I had screwed up the moment again... Though I don't think just bursting in here and shouting I love you would have been such a great idea either.

"Uh, uh, uh." He mocked me with a laugh, "Uh what?"

I laughed softly, "Nothing."

"Oh come on!" He said with a laugh, "Out with it-"

I cut him off when my lips connected with his. It was the best way to shut him up, and I honestly couldn't get enough of it.

He moaned softly and wrapped his arms around me, lips moving in sync.

I take one hand and slowly move it to his hair, running my fingers through his soft locks.

'Say it now...' I though to myself the second we broke the kiss.

"Um Dean," I say to him.

He hummed in response as though he was saying 'yes' or 'what do you need'.

"I um... I-" I started but was cut off at the sound of the door opening.

"Dean, your match is in a few..." Hunter said then trailed off slightly at the sight of us.

"Shit..." I mumbled and let Dean go while Deans face turned a shade of red and he rocked on his heels slightly.

Hunter raised a eyebrow and opened his mouth, but then closed it again and simply shrugged.

"Didn't know those fangirls were right about something." I heard him mumbled before shutting the door again.

"That was um..." Dean started, but then ended in a nervous laugh.

"Yeah..." I mumbled, "I finish getting ready."

"Wait what were you gonna say?" He asked me as I walked to the door.

"Nothing." I called back to him before walking out and slamming the door shut behind me.

Every freaking time I get ready, something freaking happens.

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