Jacob knows

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I walk over to vist jacob.

His mom opens the door before I can knock.

"Hi kaet! So nice to see you! Me and mr. Sartorius have to go to work... do you mind looking after jacob? We don't want anything to happen to him."

"Of course! That's why I'm here! So where is he?" I ask. It's still pretty early in the morning and I just wanted to surprise him by coming so I didn't text.

"He's still sound asleep on the couch. When he came back he instantly went to sleep." His dad says.

"Ah well I won't make you late for your work so..."

"Right, thanks again kaet!"


As they closed the door I quietly went to the couch and sat by him.

He was in a deep sleep.

I lay down by him and he puts his arm around me.

"Kaet?" He says while yawning.

"Yes jacob?"

"Did my parents leave you in charge?"

"Yeah they didn't want you home alone"


I sit up and he does too.

"How do you feel?" I say

"Sore... very sore" he answers.

"Well that sucks" I say.

"So what do you want to do" I add

"I don't know... I can't do much and i can't leave the house..."

"How long will you need these" I ask turning on the tv.

"I need the casts for 6 weeks... they told I didn't break anything too bad so I should heal fast."

"What do you want to watch?" I ask.

"Ummmm aren't they doing disney throwbacks this week?"

"Omg yesssss! Oh they the suite life of Zach and cody on!"

"Niceeee" he says.

I look at him. He is so hot when he wakes up.

"Take a picture it'll last longer" he says from the first day we met.

"Maybe I'll make a musicl.ly instead"

I take out my phone and pick a sing and start to make one. I had a acc but never used it so I thought why not?

After that I post and it got over 10,000 likes in the first 10 mintues.

"Wow people are figuring out who I am" I say as more notifications pop up.

"Yeah I'm like the the 3rdish most popular person on musically." He says with one eyebrow up.

"Stop being so cute" I say

"I cant help the way I look" he says

"I wish I could hang the way I look... im ugly af"

"Kaet! Don't ever say that again! Your the most beautiful person I've ever seen in my entire life!"

"Jacob... thanks but there's prettier girls out there be-"

I was startled when jacob kisses me.

I pull off.

"Jacob what was that?" I say

"I...I ... im sorry kaet I didn't know im an idiot sorry."

"No its fine I just wasn't expecting that..."

"Kaet I'm sorry I just love you and No one is as pretty as you" he says

"Thanks jacob"

"Actually I know why jessie unexpectedly showed up and why she was so aggressive, she likes me"


"Yeah... since like 3rd grade... she told me and asked me out but I said no, I never really liked her. She said she didn't like me anymore but she still does trust me. I don't want her. I want you and I guess she got mad because of it."

"Dude she needs to actually chill"


"Do you want something to eat?"

"Sure... do we have any cinnamon pop tarts? "

"Omg those are my favorite!" I say


I grab one for Jacob and me and we sat there watching disney throwbacks for pretty muc h the rest of the day.

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