Jacob its tour time

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what in the world?? Why so early?


I jump up and get ready and take my suitcase and pillow out by the door.

"Ready?" He says behind me.

I turn around and hug him saying "good morning handsome"

"Good morning perfect" he says kissing my head that's laying against his chest.

I pull away from his arms and smile.

"Alright let's get this party started!" He says

I laugh as we load the stuff in and and get in the car.

Caroline drive us to the airport and we board the plane.

Of course I sit next to Jacob and we're just about to take off.

I start having anxiety because I'm never liked take off.

Jacob sees me getting nervous and grabs my hand.

"It's gonna be ok, it's just take off"

"Yeah your right" I say as the plane starts going down the run way.

I start squeezing his hand as it goes into the air and lay my head on his shoulder to make me feel safe. 

The person behind us then says to us "you too are so cute together" we laugh and say thanks.

A couple hours had gone by and soon enough we were in California.

"Hello everyone we will be landing in a few minutes and welcome to California" I hear the flight attendant say.

I lift my head from his shoulder and shake him to wake him up.

"Huh are we here" he says stretching

"Yep we're about to land oh my gosh I'm excited!!"

"Same" he says kissing my cheek.

I blush as we descend.
We're at the exit and soon by the street
waiting for the people picking us up to avoid paparazzi.

But we couldn't avoid them. Some girls spot us and sprint over.

"Jacob!! Omg can we take a picture!!"

"Uhh sure but I really need to go soon" he says as they go right on him and hug him and take pictures. Gosh so annoying.

He looks really uncomfortable and I just roll my eyes as they give me dirty looks.

"Oh it's your girlfriend. .. come on Jacob you can do better than her, ew what the fuck is wrong with your hair and nose ew she disgusts me come on Jacob don't you want me" one of them says.

My hair and nose? Gosh I didn't know I was that ugly.

"Ok get away!! She's beautiful and if you can't see that your blind!!" I crack a smile while touching my nose wondering what wrong with it.

"Gosh what a loser" they say walking away.

Finally a car pulls up and we hope in.

"Don't believe anything they say your gorgeous"

"I can't do this Jacob. I can't deal with all this hate. I just..."

"There idiots and nothing more don't worry I have more power than them"

I turn around and look out the window and see my reflection. Ew my hair was messed up and my nose looks horrible. Ugh I am disgusting how did I not realize this.

We arrive at the hotel and get our stuff.

"Hey we don't hav room to hav 2 separate rooms is it ok if we share a room?" He asks

"Yeah no it's fine, it's not like we're gonna do anything ew" I say and laugh.

We get to our rooms and THEY WERE HUGE LIKE WOAH.

"This is huge." I stand in awe.

" I know right!!"

"Woah perfect view"

"Yep, wow look at that sunset"

We walk out to the balcony and look at it in awe. It was beautiful. The slight breeze blew my hair back.

Jacob stands behind me wraps his arms around me making me smile. He kisses my cheek and I turn around and grab his face and kiss him as he kisses back . He then picks me up so he can reach my lips better. I felt so happy and safe. A perfect kiss with the perfect boy with the perfect sunset. Welcome to California.


^^ short people problems😂

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