Jacobs tour prep

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The next few days I spent at his house.

It's all been too real. Like a dream. Thank god for jacob.

"Almost done packing?" He says.

We had to goto my house so I could get my stuff for the tour.

"Yeah I just need my bathroom products."

"Alright remember tomarrow an early morning we have to get up then goto our flight"


I grabbed my make up and other crap I had then looked in the mirror.

My hair was getting really long.

"Jacob" I call him

"Yes my beautiful girl."

I laugh.

"Jacob my hair is getting long"

"You wanna hair cut?"

"Would short hair look good on me?"

"Of course! I'll get the scissors!"

"What wait?!?! Your going to cut it yourself!!"

"Sure why not"

"Jacob no!! I want a actual hair stylist to!"

"I know I'm joking! My mom use to be a hair salon person-"


"Yes a hair stylist"

"Ok and?"

"She can cut your hair for you!"

"Jacob I'm going to donate it for people with cancer since it's so long"

"Ok ok fine we'll call in right now and see if they can fit you in"

"Oh my gosh your the best"

"Your the bestest"

"Shut up!"

"No beautiful"

I roll my eyes as he grabs the phone and dials the number. We head back to his house after I get my stuff

He schedules one for 3:30 which is in 30 mintues

"Jacob I can't get ready that fast!"

"Your already ready!"

"No I don't have makeup on!"

"Exactly, just the way I like you"

He pulls me from the mirror out in the hall and leans close to me. I blush and look down trying to hide it. His face hovers over mine and his finger lifts my jaw up.

"I love you, did you know that?"

"Jacob i-"

"No I mean like really love you"

I look into his eyes which are sparkling with my reflection.

Are lips are just about to touch when-

"Jacob! I'm home!"

I step away and he does the same.

"Oh its caroline!"

He runs down the stairs and I follow. He runs up to his sister caroline and gives her a hug almost jumping on her.

"Hey jacob! Ok jacob get off!" She says as she pushes him off.

"Oh you must be kaet! I've heard so much about you! I'm caroline his sister!"

"Oh hey nice to meet you! So your the one who's always on facetime with jacob then"

"Yep that's me!"She says

"Well kaet caroline came home from college for a couple days for the tour!" Jacob says

"She's a pretty cool person" he adds on while putting his elbow on her shoulder like a arm rest. She almost instantly moves it off.

"So how's my favorite celebrity been?" She asks.

"Im good. Well now that I've got kaet to keep me company." He says walking over to me and awkwardly hugs me.

"Jacob! Get off!" I say trying to get him off as he hugs tighter. I hear his sister laughing.

"Haha this is too cute!"

He finally picks me up and I wrap my legs around him and he carrys me to the kitchen counter.

He sets me down and our faces are close almost as if we were gonna kiss...

"Ok love birds! Not in front of me please!" She says

I hope down and jacob helps me.

"Oh caroline kaet has a hair appointment in 15 minutes can you drive us there?"

"Yeah of course get in car!"

I get in the back and so does jacob. She turns on the car and jacobs song is on.

"Hahaha not this song!"

We jam out to hit or miss (fav song fav song) and we arrive a few minutes later.

"We're here!"

I get out of the car and we enter the hair salon.

I finally get sat down and the measure my hair to see how long it is.

"12 inches" they say.

"12 inches! Damn that's alot of hair!" Jacob says as caroline hits him for cussing.

"Ok ready?" The hair stylist says.

"Ready" I say as my hair gets chopped off and I'm left with shoulder length hair.

"Oh my god" Jacob says.

"Does it look bad?" I say still turned around from the mirror.

"No it looks amazing take a look!" He says turning me around.

"I love it!" I say

"It looks super cute on you!" Caroline says.

"Thanks jacob!" I say getting up and hugging him.

"Your welcome perfect." He says hugging back. And I swear I could take one of those warm, amazing, and heart warming hugs any day.

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