Chapter 1: Lots Of Phone Calls

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This past week mum has been acting quite strange. She has been sneaking around the house to text and call someone but i dont know who. I think she is trying to keep it a secret from me but i am desperate to find out who it is.

When i got up this morning i could hear mum downstairs talking on the phone again but this time i could hear her crying which she NEVER does so this is very unusual to me. I stayed upstairs and tried to hear what she was saying but i couldn't because she was being very cautious in case i came down.

So i just decided to go down and ask her , that seems like a pretty obvious decision.

I slowly walked downstairs trying to sneak down and listen on my way , but my dog Millie came running up to me and started barking and gave away my position. Mum heard Millie and said bye to the person she was on the phone with then hung up in a rush.

I walked in like i hadn't been trying to listen for the last hour and asked mum who she had been on the phone to?

''Morning mum, who was that on the phone?''

''Oh...Um just your brother Jack''

''Um..Ok, i'm gonna get some toast''

''Yea..Yea ok''

As i walked into the kitchen to get my toast i found a note on the island (A/N a counter basically) ,it said 'remember to call Zoe later to talk about Maya' ,i quickly picked it up and slipped it into my back pocket wondering who this Zoe was and why they wanted to talk about me. Still wondering about the note i carried on making my toast and fed Millie.

After tea i decided to go up to my bedroom and watch some Zalfie collab videos on YouTube. while i was watching YouTube i remembered about earlier when i found the note and hid it in my pocket.

I slowly slid the note out of my pocket and opened it up carefully , i tried and tried to think who that Zoe girl might be but i didn't even know mum had a friend called Zoe.

A/N  Hi guys hope you like it so far i am enjoying writing this book , i have wanted to write one on here for a long time and this story came into my head a few weeks ago.

Enjoy x

Zoe Sugg  and Joe Sugg adopt a sister.  #wattys2016Where stories live. Discover now