Chapter 6: Meeting family and friends

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When we got in Nala was happy to see me but also she was tired and wanted to go to bed, we all wanted to go to bed. I followed Zoe upstairs and she opened a door to a bedroom and said ''this is going to be your room Maya and we can all decorate it this week''. I agreed and went over to my bed and opened my box with my pj's in, i took out a pair of harry potter pj's (which Zoe loved) and slipped them on. Once i was tucked up in bed i heard a knock at the door it was Zoe and Alfie.

''hello'' they said in synchronisation

''hi'' i giggled

''we are going to bed now, so just shout us if you need anything'' explained Zoe

''ok thank you''

Zoe kissed my forehead and left the room with Alfie waving goodnight. I quickly got out of bed and opened one of the boxes and took out a picture frame with a picture of me, mum, dad, my sister and brother in it, i kissed it and whispered goodnight to my family and placed the picture on my bedside table.

I woke up to Nala licking my face , i thought it was quite funny so i chased her off my bed and she ran out of my room. I decided i would go downstairs now since it was 9:00am so i opened one of my boxes with my clothes in and took out some camouflage leggings, a black crop top, a leather jacket and some black converse high tops and placed them on my bed. I had a quick shower, got dressed and did a simple make-up routine that i got off Zoe's channel on YouTube.

I opened my bedroom door to find Nala sat outside my door wagging her little tail so i picked her up and carried her down with me. When i got downstairs the dining room table was covered in pancakes, cereal and a full English breakfast, it was heaven. Alfie and Zoe were already sat at the table eating but they stopped to look at me staring at the food in amazement and they laughed.

''come sit before Alfie eats all the food'' laughs Zoe

Alfie laughs at Zoe's joke and carries on eating.

I plop myself down in between Zoe and Alfie at the table and pick up a huge pancake and cover it in golden syrup. Then on the plate next to me i put all the food from the English breakfast i like on and i also fill a bowl with some chopped fruit that Zoe passes me.

''oh Maya today we are going to Joe's and some of our friends are going to be there too'' Alfie explains

''ok sounds fun'' i say with a mouth full of melon

''cool we are leaving at quarter past ten'' says Zoe

It is already 9:35.

After we finish breakfast Alfie goes off to start editing a video and me and Zoe go to my room to start unpacking. We empty all my clothes into my wardrobe and put up a few nick nacks but we are not getting much out because we are redesigning my room this week.

It is now 10:15 and we are just getting into the car to go to Joe's. Once we set off i start to see some people stood around the streets waving at us as we go past. I ask Zoe if she knows them but she said that they are just some fans that live nearby.

''Alfie who is going to be at Joe's''

''just Caspar, Oli, Conor, Jack, Josh, Marcus, Sean, Will, Jim, Dan and Phil, just the boys today'' says Alfie


i am really exited because i am in love with Conors music and i watch all their videos so i know all about them. Super fan.

We arrive at Joe's place to find cars all over from the boys but lots had either got ubers or got lifts from each other. When we walked in they were all in a big group just chatting about general stuff. Then they saw me...they all came racing towards me wanting to hug me. I just laughed and pulled away because Caspar had hold of me quite tightly. The ones who have books pass me their books as a present and Conor gives me his latest album and the others just give me random welcome presents which i think is cute.

The day goes on and we all start to get hungry and they all ask me what i want to eat so i just say something that everyone loves PIZZA. Caspar was very happy with my decision. We order 7 pizzas to share with different toppings and some chips with some dips.

Before we know it Caspar has eaten most of the pizza and we was all full anyway. The boys decided to have a bottle of beer each while me and Zoe just had water because Zoe doesn't drink and I'm too young. After long it becomes 11:45pm and they boys are sat all around the room drunk talking about random things, it was quite funny tbh.

We all decided to stay at Joe's for the night since it was so late. Me and Zoe shared Joe's room while all they boys slept in random places around the house. Zoe was in the kitchen talking to Alfie about something and i was waiting for her in Joe's bedroom so we could go to sleep, then the door opened i thought it was Zoe but then i realised that this person had short brown hair, it was Conor and he was drunk. He grabbed my arm tightly and looked at me in a strange way then he ran out of the room. I quickly ran to the door and locked it so he couldn't get back in throughout the night , then i heard a knock on the door and someone shouting to open the door and i realised it was Zoe so i opened the door and let her in but i made sure that i locked it again , Zoe looked at me all confused because i was locking the door so i told her what happened, she said that you never know what people can do when they are drunk and to be careful.

A/N  Ik this is a long and weird chapter but hey 😂

Sorry i haven't updated in a while i just kinda forgot , i got too addicted to YouTube. Hope you like it so far.

I wonder what Zoe was talking to Alfie about?!

Zoe Sugg  and Joe Sugg adopt a sister.  #wattys2016Where stories live. Discover now