Chapter twenty two

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Anthony continues to take shot after shot. He's drinking more than anyone else at this party. I am starting to actually get worried he will get too drunk. I want to hang out with him. I want him to enjoy my presence and appreciate that I made this trip for him. I don't want him to be sick and puking or passed out drunk.

"Time?" He shouts out to his friends again.

"12:10," Ryan yells back. We went to high school together. He was a baseball star and had lots of friends. I always saw him laughing with different people in the halls, but I never really got to know him. I know he is one of Anthony's best friends, but that is about it.

Jessica has already staked her claim on him tonight. She's laughing at all of his jokes and clinging to his arm. At least she will be able to entertain herself while I entertained myself.

Ryan looks like your average baseball player. He always wears a hat and his hair seems to have formed a bowl on his head. Whenever I have seen the hat come off, his hair is slicked down except for his light brown wavy curls on the ends. I've never noticed his eyes before, they are blue.

"Mark it!" Ryan yells to Anthony. Anthony has so many 'marks' on his arms, I can't event count them, sharpie line after sharpie line, each more and more distorted from the straight narrow ones that he must have began with. He is starting to get sloppy. He is slurring his words and starting to stumble around the kitchen.

"Maybe you should slow down," I whisper into his ear.

"Team black out!" He yells out to the entire room, seemingly ignoring what I had just said to him. He pours everyone in the room another shot and throws his down his throat before anyone can even make it to the counter. "TIME?" He yells again.

"12:47," I say back to him. This isn't what I was expecting. I wanted to feel loved. I wanted to feel needed. All Anthony wants tonight is to get overly intoxicated. I wish I hadn't wasted-Anthony walks over and plants a big wet kiss on me. It would have probably been nice if he wasn't so drunk. I wipe the excess saliva off with my hand.

This seems like a waste of time. People are leaving and Anthony continues to make more and more of an idiot of himself. Why did he have to get so drunk? I watch him stumble over to the living room and then drop to the floor and curl over onto his side into a ball.

"I'm going to bed," he yells the room. Again, not really directed to anyone. Not directed to me. He didn't even look at me. I walk over to him and kneel down close his face.

"Are you sure you're going to bed?" I ask him sadly.

"Yeah," he says with a long pause, potentially trying to hold back his throw up. "I'm tired," he finishes.

"But, I came all this way," I say as sweetly as I can. Maybe I can convince him to wake up. Maybe he can stop drinking alcohol and start drinking water and he would be able to recover from how quickly he just drank.

"Goodnight, juicy booty," he whispers to me, eyes closed, with a smile on his face.

"Goodnight Anthony." I look around to find Jessica, she's disappointed trying to convince Ryan to not go to bed as well. He's leaving her to go sleep in his bed.

"This night sucks," I say to Jessica as I walk over to her. She's still looking down the hall towards where Ryan just went. She might be thinking about following him. "Ready for bed?" I ask her, to try and deter her from potentially being rejected again.

"I guess so," she replies while still looking towards the empty hall. We walk over to the couch above Anthony and claim our spots. Each of our heads on opposite sides of the same couch and us cuddling each other's legs. There are blankets already out. We cover up and I fall asleep almost instantly.


I feel someone touch me. I look over and don't see anyone by me. There is a boy sitting next to Jessica. I don't remember his name. Just that he is in the army and now he is back in town. I fall back asleep.


I feel more of a rub instead of a touch and Jessica is now clinging me to as close as she can. It must have been her.


Now I know this time isn't an accident. It was a continuous rub on my butt. I look around see that same boy hovering over Jessica and I. We make eye contact. She gives me a terrified look.

"What the fuck man, give us some space," I say to him.

"Oh, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to." He replies and scoots over. Did he really not mean to? I'm so tired. Maybe he's being honest.


I feel his hand on me again. Jessica is still awake, still sitting as close to me as she can. He is sitting next to her. He's probably touching her too. Is this how this guy gets his kicks? Touching sleeping girls?

"Let's go," I whisper to her. She immediately sighs a deep breath of relief, grabs her things and is out the door. "You're a freak," I say to the guy, who is now conveniently pretending to be asleep. We both rapidly run to my car.

"Was he touching you?" I ask as soon as we close the car doors.

"Yes! He was being so weird. At first I thought it was an accident, but then he was like rubbing my thighs and he wouldn't stop. And I tried to pretend like I was sleeping so that he would stop. But he kept going!" She lets out in one long breath.

"I'm so sorry Jessica, lets go to my parents' house and get some sleep. We
drive all the way there in complete quiet. There is not a single other car out on the road. I wonder what she is thinking. I wonder if she's thinking about me and what had happened previously. I wonder if she thought that that could happen to her.

We made it. I quietly open the door and we tiptoe over to the couch.


Safe again.

Safe from these creepy guys who don't understand that a woman needs to be coherent. Not drunk, not asleep. Is that too hard to understand?

"Goodnight Jessica."

"Goodnight Emily, thanks for getting us out of there."

"Sleep tight."

I think back to the last time I was up here hanging out with Anthony. I came over in the daytime. No one else was home. He took me straight up to his room and he put in a Disney movie, The Lion King. I remember thinking it was so adorable that he was into Disney. We cuddled and watched the movie and then we had sex and it was a wonderful day. How could tonight be so different?

***Author's note***

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