Chapter 1

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A/N ^picture of Jason and Jake.

Kian's POV
Kay-Kayla... Was all I could say. She was about to leave when Jake spoke up.

Daddy this is my new friend... He said smiling.

Really what's your friend name... I said. I do know her name just that's I wanted to try a conversation with her.

I don't know, I'll ask her...he said and went up to her.

Hey what's your name.. He said asking her.

I'm Kayla...she said smiling to him. God that smile bringing back the memories.

Kayla her name is Kayla... He said jumping.

Daddy you should give her your number so we can hang out soon... He said jumping like crazy. Damn he's hyper... Again.

No it-... Kayla was about to talk but got cut of by a guy.

Kayla's POV
No it-.. Before I could finish a guy cut me off it was Jason.

Hey babe I told you to wait for me... He said and kissed me.

Sorry I was helping this boy find his dad... I said looking at Kian.

Oh ok well we should go to the Ferris wheel like you wanted to... He said.

Alright let me say bye to a friend... I said and kneel down to Jake.

Bye little dude hope we can see each other again.. And we fist bump. He looked so much like Kian. Ugh. After that I got up.

Bye.. I said to Kian and left.

Kian's POV (there is gonna be a lot of POV changing lol)

Daddy can we go buy cotton candy... He said jumping.

You already had cotton candy, you need to eat food.. I said.

Please daddy I want cotton candy.. He said jumping.

Fine but you have to finish a whole hot dog... I said.

Ok deal.. He said and we went to go buy a hot dog.


Daddy I'm full... He said complaining.

Come on just one more bit and I'll buy you cotton candy... I said.

Ok.. He said and ate it whole.

I'm done where is my cotton candy.. He said smiling.

Let's go get you cotton candy.. I said and we went to buy cotton candy.

Once we went to the carnival we came back home. It was already dark.

Ok little monkey lets goes take you a bath... I said.

No... He said ruining. And he hid somewhere in the house. I went upstairs to his room.

Come out come out where ever you are... I said and I heard laughing inside his closet.

Mmm I wonder where he can be...I said smiling .

Boo... He said loud. I yelled acting like I was scare. He was about to run but I grabbed him and threw him into the bed gently. And started tickling him.

Stop daddy I can't breath.. He said laughing.

Alright munchkin let go take a bath... I said.


Brrr brrr... He said making the noise of his car toy. I pour water on his hair taking of the shampoo

Daddy when will mommy come back... He said playing with his toy car.

Soon buddy soon.. I said biting my lips.

Alright let's dry off... I said grabbing a towel and took him to the room. After drying him off and I put him into his pjs.

Alright go brush your teeth while i get ready to take shower... I said and he nodded.

While I was getting ready to shower I saw that Jake was already in bed asleep. He's ran a lot today so of course he's gonna be tired. I went up to him and kissed him on his forehead and just smiled. I turned of the lights and went to take a shower. After that I went to bed and fell asleep last thing I thought of was Kayla. God I miss her.

Kayla's POV
Once I came home from the carnival, Jason toke me to a cute little restaurant. We ate and then he drove me home since it was getting dark.

Bye babe see tomorrow at work... He said and kissed. I just my waved goodbye and smiled. He got in his car and left. I went inside my apartment and Alyssa was watching tv.

Hey how was your date... She said smiling.

It was very good and fun until- I -umm saw someone I didn't really wanna, and never thought I'll see again.... I said playing with my fingers.

Omg who....she asked

Kian... I said.

Kian... She said shocked.

Um who's Kian...she asked seconds later. I chuckled a little.

The guy I told you about, he was the reason why I was at the stupid hospital... I said.

Ohhh no way and what did you feel when you saw him, is he still cute.. She said asking so many questions.

Alyssa one question at a time please... I said.

Anyways I feel like a bullet when through me when I saw him, I had this weird feeling in my stomach...I said.

Oh it's probably the carnival food, that shit is nasty... She said.

I'm serious... I said smiling.

Anyways he still has the same haircut, dresses up the same, same everything... I said.

Well except one thing... I said.

What.. She asked confused.

Well he has a child, so I'm guessing he's married.. I said.

I'm going to bed, talking about this stresses me out goodnight.... I said and left to my room. I toke a quick shower and went to bed. My last thought was about Kian when I fell asleep.

First chapter of the book. Omg hope you guys like it. comment what you guys think. And don't forget to vote. I'll try to update frequently. Bye guys 💕

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