Chapter 2

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Kian's POV

I woke up and realize that it was still dark. I realize it was Jake waking me up.

Daddy can I sleep with you... He said with his favorite blanket and teddy bear.

Yeah sure but why.. I said and helping get up on the bed.

I had a bad dream...he said getting under the covers.

Really what was the dream about.. I said.

A monster... He said.

Don't worry I'll always protect you... I said and he hugged me.

I love you daddy.. He said and kissed me on the cheek.

I love you too now go to sleep cause you have preschool tomorrow .... I said and he just nodded and went to sleep.


I woke up and realize it was getting late, shit he gonna be late to school again.

Jake wake up... I said.

You have to go to school... I said and all he did was complain. He finally woke up and I gave him cereal. We left and class already started.

Mr.Lawley can I talk to you... Jake's teacher said.

Um yeah sure..I said and we went to the hallway.

This is the 7th time Jake been late to school, is there something going on at home... She asked.

No Ms.Peters everything is fine... I said.

Well that's good and if he misses one more time I'm sorry mr.Lawley but I'll have to expelled him... She said.

No please don't I'll try harder to bring him early... I said. And she just nodded and left. Ugh now I have to go to work. I actually work in Urban Outfitters.

Kian your late again.. My manager said.

I know I'm sorry it won't happen again.. I said.

Of course it won't cause your fired... He said and was about to leave.

Wait you can't fire I need this job please, it's for my son... I said.

I don't care about your life story mr.Lawley today is your last day so make it count.. He said and left. Literally fuck my life.
I was putting clothes away when I heard someone.

Hey excuse me do you know where the girls fitting room is... A women voice said. And I turned around I saw it was Kayla.

Kayla's POV

Hey excuse me do you know where the girls fitting room is... I said to the guy that worked here and when he turned to face me I realized it was Kian.

Um never mind looks likes your busy... I said trying to leave but he hold my hand.

Kayla please don't leave... He said.

Look Kian, Jason is waiting for me I have to go... I said trying to leave but he was still holding me.

Jason as in your boyfriend, look Kayla he'll probably hurt you, and I still love you, please don't go... He said.

Look Kian you left me ok, you don't get to choose who I date and have the right to say that you love me when you broke up with me, what is your wife or girlfriend gonna think if your telling me this... I said.

Wife.. He questioned.

Yeah your wife, aren't you married.. I asked.

Nope.. He said laughing.

Well this is awkward... I said looking down.

Wait so where is Jake's mother.. I asked.

Long story... He said.

I got time... I said. Shit why I said that.

I thought Jason was wai-... Before he could finish I cut him off.

Are you gonna wanna talk or no.. I said.

Yes look my break is in two minutes meet me at the food court.. He said and I just nodded.


Wtf he said 2 minutes it's been almost 15. I'm leaving I grab my stuff and was about to leave when I heard him scream.

Hey hey I'm here sorry toke me so long... He said and I just nodded.

Um so where is Jake's mom... I said.

Well it's a long story, when we broke up I realized I made a horrible choice, but I was afraid to admit it, so I convinced myself it was for the best, after like 3 weeks I needed to get you out my head so I started going to nightclubs and shit, so I sleep with girls, well one day I got a phone call from one of the girls and told me she was pregnant and was getting a abortion, and well I payed her for her to keep it and I got custody for him, so right now she's probably fucking some other dude.... He said.

Look Kayla I still love you and I want be with you... He said grabbing my hand.

Kian I'll be lying if I said I still don't have feelings for you, but it's to late, I'm very happy with Jason and look if you want we should just be friends...I said.

Friends I won't be able to think of us just being friends, I want us to be married have more kids be a happy family... He said.

Then why did you leave me... I said and my voice sounding hurt. He remained silent looking down at his hands.

I have to go Kian it was nice talking to you... I said and left. Ugh why does this always happen to me


Hey guys second chapter!! Hope you guys like it and before I forget tomorrow I'm leaving to Mexico so I'm not gonna upload tomorrow. Since imma be on the airplane and shit. But I will upload when I can. So yeah that's all. Don forget to vote/comment/ or follow me 😊 anyways love you guys bye 🙈💙

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