The killer part 3

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The killer Part 3
Tony walked into Abby's lab with the evidence. "Hey Abby, Gibbs told me to tell you to analyze the first note and then the blood stain," Tony said. "Ok, what's so special about the note?" Abby responded. "Read it and find out," Tony responded. "Oh!" Abby said with a worried look on her face. Tony heads up to the bullpen. As he is walking out of the elevator he sees Gibbs and the others and I getting back from the crime scene. Gibbs points me to the desk next to McGee's and tells me that's where I'm going to work. "Send for all the other evidence for the other cases," Gibbs tells me. "Gibbs I will have to go get them, they're locked and only me and one other person have the keys. That other person is out of town for two more weeks." "You are not going outside this building," Gibbs tells me. Raising my voice I say, "This is still partly my investigation, you are not stopping me from going outside." "Will you at least where a bullet proof vest?" Gibbs asks. "Yes of course," I said. Gibbs has Tony go and get me a vest, so I go into the restroom and put it on. As I got back Gibbs said to Tony and Ziva, "Take Kate to get the other case files." "On it boss!" Tony an Ziva say together. We walked to the elevator to go down stairs. "Where do we have to drive to?" Tony asked me. "My place, 3535 East 52ed street." "Why?" Ziva asked. "That's where my key is, I can not take the chance carrying it on me." We get to my place and the door is open a little. We pull out our guns and Ziva goes in first, then Tony, then me. We searched the house and found no one. The place was trashed. "I hope they didn't find it, oh thank God," I said as I pulled the key out from under the dishwasher. "Now where to?" Tony asked. "To the DC police store warehouse." As we are getting there we hear 5 gun shots. We draw out our guns go inside. We see two people dead lying on the floor. One is the security officer and the other one is one of the people that broke in. Then we hear another gun shot, then I fell to the ground.

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