The killer part 6

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The killer Part 6

I just got home and I decided to take a shower since the shower killer was in jail. I just had gotten out of the shower when someone knocked on the door. I got a call from McGee and told him, "I'm fi-" as I open the door and see a gun pointed at my head and McGee shouts, "Kate, Kate!" Into the phone. McGee tells Gibbs what happened and the team rushes to my house. When they get there they see the door wide open and they draw their guns. They search my house and all they find is a small pool of blood on the floor. I wake up in a cold damp room and find myself tied to a chair. My left arm near by my shoulder had been shot. As I was about to scream I saw someone in the shadows. "Who are you," I ask, "and what do you want with me?" Then he comes out from the shadows and says, "I love you Kate, I always have." "Boss?" I say. "Yes Kate, it's me." "But why would you kill all those people?" I asked. "Because two and a half years ago you would not give me the time the day, and then I realized that the only way you would spend time with me is when we were working on a case." "So you killed people to spend time with me?" "Yes Kate, I did it all for you, for us." "There is no us and there never will be." Then he punched my face as his cell rings, its Gibbs. He puts tape over my mouth so I can't scream. "Hello Agent Gibbs, how are you?" "Kate's been kidnapped," he replies. "When?" "About an hour ago." "By who?" "By the shower killer." "What can I do to help?" He asks Gibbs. "Put out a BOLO for Kate and a white van with the DC license plate number H7F22E5." "Ok I'll call that in now," he said. After he hung up he said, "I'm not calling that, it's my car." Two hours later Gibbs says to McGee, "Call the DC police and see if the BOLO got any hits yet." After he called McGee says "the BOLO was never called in." "What?" Gibbs said. "Oh my, the shower killer is Kate's boss, McGee where's his cell?" "Tracking now... It's in Stafford Virginia and now I just lost him. He must have turned his phone off." Well by now Kate realized Who the shower killer is as he turned his phone off. "Gibbs and his team will find me, you can be sure of that!" "Yeah and if he does, I'll kill you."

Please comment below if u want more And thanks for the help @ncis_forever_love from instagram

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