[Chapter 002] Thought Process

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"Damn man, 30K?"

"I know" Craig sighed.

"Why do they owe so much?" Roc inquired.

I shrugged for everyone, "Probably didn't pay their taxes on time, I guess."

Princeton shook his head, "Nah'. Keisha would get me to help her with stuff like that."

"Well shit, I don't know."

We sat quietly for a moment. This is just too crazy. One minute we're selling out stadiums, the next we're out on the street. What happened to all our money we had saved up? Couldn't they just use that?

Man...plus Tiff just moved in. How will she be able to take this whole 'Mindless Behavior-on-hold' situation? I don't want her thinking, she's gonna be supporting us.

Goodness sake, she moved in with me.

I'm suppose to provide not vice versa.

"Hello I'm Caitlyn! What can I get you guys for today?"

Pausing my thoughts, I turned to look up at our waitress for the day. "I'll just have water" I said.

Prince chimed in, "Bring me a glass of lemonade, thank you." Caitlyn wrote down our items and moved on to Prod and Chres. "Water will be fine." Prod nodded.

"What kinda booze do you guys got?'' Roc asked aloud, eyes still glued to the menu. Everyone at the table, even the waitress gave Roc a questionable look. What kinda booze do you guys got? First off sir, you are only nineteen.

Second, it's 12:30 in the afternoon. It's a little early to be drinkin' don't you think? Prod spoke up as if he read my mind, "...It's in the middle of the afternoon.." he stated. Roc pointed his index finger at him then quickly put it away, "Even better reason to get a nice stiff one."

I furrowed my eyebrows. Does he not know that shit is illegal?

"Uh well sir, if you're going to purchase any alcoholic beverage, I'm gonna have to see some ID.."

"Most certainly!" Roc eagerly pulled out his 'ID' and handed it to Caitlyn. We all anxiously waited for her reaction. Roc is a professional swindler, so there's no telling what age that card says.

Caitlyn observed the so-called 'ID' and immediately her expression fell. She gave Roc a look that read "Are-you-kidding-me?" I felt myself smirk.

"Sir, do you realize that this card says, you're 52 years old..?"

Roc frowned while the rest of us snickered to his dismay. Caitlyn went on, "And I would like to point out that your 'ID'...is made out of construction paper." Our snickers turned into full on laughter now. I mean, come on now, construction paper? Really nigga, really?

"I'll be fetching you a glass of milk, sir" she said as she walked away. Once she left, Prod, Prince and I looked at Chresanto and continued our giggles." Nigga, is you serious?" Prod laughed his contagious laugh, making me laugh harder.

Roc sulked and looked down at his hands in his lap. "Wow you are too much!" Prince chuckled. I shook my head at him; smiling, "Like Tamar say, 'You're #TeamTooMuch' "

Prod giggled once more. "Alright! Calm down, it ain't that damn funny." Roc said in a irritated tone.

"You should know better than that." I said, dialing down a bit. As Prod and Prince did the same, they went into their serious demeanor. "You're nineteen, Chres. What're you doing drinking?" asked Prod.

"It's just one drink, it's harmless." Yeah, that's what drunks say...

"One drink; too many. It's not good for you." I said "I don't see what the big deal is. I mean, y'all drink!"  Roc crossed his arms across his chest. "Yes but we are of age." Prince retorted, "And it's not like we drinkin' all day; everyday. Just every once in awhile.

Roc smacked his lips "Man whatever"

Prod then spoke up, "Well honestly guys, I think Chres' drinkin problem is the least of our worries.."

"Thank you, Craig!" Roc encouraged. Prod shook his head, "Still don't mean you off the hook."

Craig is right though. We have more 'important' things to discuss. For example: Getting this money for the management so we can keep our damn jobs. It may not seem like it but, this is our job. We get paid to make our fans happy. And if they're not happy; we're not happy. Besides the money and the fame, music is everything to me. Art or music either way, it helps me express myself. And without Interscope...I can't be myself to my full extent.

"Craig is right-" I sighed, "-we need to come up with the money and we need to do it fast."

Caitlyn soon came back with our drinks. When she handed Roc his glass of milk, he glared at her. She smirked a devious smirk and took the rest of our orders. Once she walked away again, we continued our previous conversation.

"How do you think we're gonna get the money" Prince asked.

I shrugged while biting my lip, "Don't know." I mumbled.

No one said anything. We were all in a thought process. That's until Prodigy snapped his fingers in a dramatic fashion, "I got it!"

"What's up?"

He looked around the table before speaking, "A benefit concert!"

It took me a minute but I then raised my eyebrows in consideration. "We could have it at one of the local theatre's, say it's for a charity, and boom!...we are Mindless behavior" he rested his palms behind his head, as if he closed a done deal.

Roc held up his hand, "And what exactly is the charity?"

"Oh uh, we'll just say it's for...uh...cancer research! Yeah, cancer research."

Prince shook his head quickly, "That's false advertising. We'll look like assholes at the end if anyone found out what the money was really meant for."

"Plus-" I added, "-we have to pay for lights, the theatre, soundcheck, the sound/light crew, and promotion. And even that could take weeks"

"We'll be making money to lose money." Roc finished. Prod exhaled in annoyance, "Alright then. What else is there?" And again no one said anything. Returning to our own little thought process. But then it was interrupted again. Only by Roc this time,

"Well we could go the 'old fashioned' way of getting quick cash." he suggested.

"I am not gonna be a drug dealer..." Prince warned.

Taking a sip of his milk, Roc waved his finger, "No, no. Nothing like that. Something much more safe and fast."

Prince, Prod, and I glanced at each other then spoke in unison, "..Well what is it?



"How the hell is this 'old fashion' ?!"


Hey...thought I should update something...

Check out this book, it took me some time to come up with this..

I'll have more stories coming your way

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