Stealing Love Scenes

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"Prince, you looking awful hard at my po-nannie"

"What's a po-nannie?"

"Oh Lawnt Prince you got to get caught up on your Ghetto Translations"

"I write songs not slang"

"I know dear heart but you are laying here and getting attacked"

"We been feuding for years"

"Since 1983?"


"You handled yourself real well against Dr. Bad Good"

"A little bit"

"You like my Yoga?"


As Prince sat up in his bed and was ready for his first medicines of AZT 

"You said ATZ but its AZT"

"Did I say it backwards?"


"Sorry, that is not very Professional huh?"

"Its OK Im not a perfectionist"

"I am"

"Oh not another Ki Ki"

"Tell me more about her"

"Nope not going to let that se*x fiend into my mind ever again"

"She was a se*x fiend" 


"Yall used condom*s ?"

"I think yall did"


"She crazy"

"She think she is"

"I will beat that bitch ass"

"Thank you I will pay you to do it"

"I'm already on your payroll"

"Yes, I wrote a check for you and left it in my top night stand"

"Thanks, but my main thing is to get breakfast after these few more moves"

"Thanks, but my main thing is to get breakfast after these few more moves"

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