Chapter 1

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It was a long drive to California but we made it. My sister Cameron, was snoring in the back seat. My mom sat quietly in the front, driving tiredly. Sofia kept reading even though she was starting to get car sick. It seemed if we had been going for hours. I was trying to beat the high score of 1,047 on flappy bird (the highest I got was 104 I was terrible at the game compared to my family. Soon I heard the sound of barking dogs and swaying trees. We were finally at Grandview Campground! I woke up Cameron. Her eyes opened as fast as lightning (she was a very light sleeper.) We drove around for twenty more minutes, occasionally see the uncommon sign of "beware the plague" or "snake warning" and I began to doubt why we were even camping here! We finally found a site; it was sunny, dusty with few trees... terrible! Cameron unpacked the food while me and my mom pitched the tent and Sofia set up the hammock. After a few hours of ring toss and cherry pit spitting contests, we decided to go hiking. It was a hot yet gorgeous day and we ran out of water finally we reached the top. We ate a lunch of PB and J with carrots sticks on the mountain we picked up all the trash to make sure there was no litter. And began the hike back down. It was horribly steep and Cameron fell. When we got to the bottom we were very lost.

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