Chapter 4

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We got out of the car almost instantly. My mom took the wrench out of the back while Sofia pulled the spare from under the car. I pulled the cover off the lug nuts. Our mom started to unscrew... LOCKED!!! We had to call roadside service. Lately AAA had gotten a third party service. And a lady from that service picked up our call. She first asked for our coordinates. Turns out the closest city was Big Pine CA. Then she asked for our crossroads which was especially weird since there was only one road! She hung up and never called us back by this time Taco had gotten into the snacks and was making a mess out of cookies, bread, and cereal bars. We had to call AAA three more times but we only had 2bars of service being on top of a mountain. We got disconnected for the last time and my mom started to give up. Suddenly out of nowhere a nice man with a white truck found us.

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