Chapter 3

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We we woken early morning by the sound of crows attacking our bread. Sofia got dressed and practically fell our of the tent shooing them off. Cameron ran out knowing that we kept our cookies with the bread. She chased every one off and then ate all the cookies herself. That was the start of our marvelous day (said with carcasm.) Later our mom said that we were going to go to town. We took the scenic (more bumpy) route. Half way through we were low on gas so we were trying to find a place to turn around. Instead we saw the sign for the research center we decided not to make the u turn. We drove farther and we saw some log cabins but it was not worth it. We made the U turn and left. A few miles down the road we heard the always horrible sound of phhht. My mom checked the tire pressure... Zero ...CRAP! We had a flat!

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