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Austin's Point of View

I walk into the school and head over to a group of my friends, "Hey guys." Everyone just stares at me, "Go away queer, no one wants you here!" My best friend Ryan shoved me to the ground. Everyone gathered around me laughing and calling me things like queer, and fag. I got up and ran away crying, I didn't know where I was running to, just far away from here. Some kid stuck his leg out in front of me, I fell to the ground and he just laughed. I looked up to see who it was, Jacob "Looks like the cards have turned, looks like you will be trying to live in my shoes for a few days, or probably longer than that." He said laughing at me.

"NO NO NO NO NO!" I woke up yelling, I was drenched in sweat, it was all a dream, a dream that could very well become a reality. I couldn't sleep the rest of that night, I just stared at the roof thinking what the fuck happened. On one hand I could do as Jacob said and become his lackey, on the other I could just, no I had to do what he said or everyone would know the truth. I would be mocked for the rest of my life, I mean I can't blame Jacob, he didn't deserve what I did to him, but I had no choice. I needed to throw people off my trail, so they wouldn't even consider me being gay.

Jacob's Point of View

I woke up the next day and went off to school in no rush. When I got there I saw Austin standing outside the gate, holding what looked like Starbucks. That's when I remembered what happened yesterday, I am completely out of it in the morning so it isn't surprising that I didn't remember. I walked up to him and he handed it to me "Iced white mocha late' with wiped cream, as you asked" I take a sip, and indeed he got me just what I asked for, "I'm surprised, I was expecting you to bail out on me." I started walking into the school and he started walking beside me "No no, you are my lackey, so you walk behind me." He snarled at me, I could see this ticked him off. "So is this all you want? Me to bring you coffee and walk behind you?" he asked "No no no, do you really think I'm going to let you off that easy after all you put me through? You nearly killed me, that's worth much more than coffee and you following me around." I was actually really enjoying him following me around but I didn't tell him that.

While I was sitting in class I found myself staring at him, like a lot. "Didn't you learn your lesson last time you were staring?" Mrs. Farris asked me from behind, "No I really didn't, but Austin did." I said being very vague, she looked puzzled and walked away. Mrs. Farris started teaching and I stopped staring. 5 minutes passed and I started staring at him again. But to my surprise I found him staring back at me, with that same look he did the day before, the same look I was giving him. No he couldn't like me it's not possible, and I certainly couldn't like him or could I? Then one thought kept going through my head "Why did he always bully me? Why did he nearly kill me?". I had to know, it was eating away at me. "meet me in the gym during lunch" I texted him, it's the only way I was ever going to figure out why. "Okay, don't expect coffee, the school doesn't have a Starbucks" he responded, this made me giggle a little. Mrs. Farris turned to me, "Is my lesson funny to you Mr. Booth?" I looked up at her "No mam, I...I...I" I was trying to come up with an excuse "Can't come up with an excuse on why you are on your phone?" Damn that lady knows me to well "Hand it over, how about I read to the class what you were laughing about, and let's see who you were talking to." Shit if she reads that Austin will be screwed, everyone will want to know why he was texting me, and I don't want anyone finding out, at least not yet. Austin was scared too, I could tell just by the look on his face.

She grabbed her reading glasses and her eyes widened, I'm guessing she read his name. Then her eyes were moving down the screen and they got wider, "On second thought I think I won't be reading this, you can have your phone back at the end of class" she was nice like that, if you hand your phone over when she first asked you could have it back at the end of class, but if she had to ask twice it went to the deans and your parents had to come get it. But regarding the texts I bet she is curious what was going on there, and she might think she found out what I mean by "But Austin did".

The bell rang and I got up to get my phone, "Not so fast Mr. Booth" Mrs. Farris says from behind me "Why are you meeting with the kid who bullies you? And why would you be expecting Coffee?" I didn't say anything for a whole minute, I can't tell her the truth, but what could I say that wouldn't seem super suspicious. "I can wait here all day Mr. Booth." I had to come up with something quick, "I have a deal with him, I tutor him so he doesn't fail, and in return he doesn't bully me." She wasn't buying it for a second "Mhmmm, well you have your work cut out for you, he has a F in my class." I nodded and walked out of the class room, why didn't she call me out? She knew I was lying, then it hit me, she was going to go to the gym at lunch and see what happened. I quickly texted Austin, "Change of plans, roof not the gym, I think Mrs. Farris might be on to something."    

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