Chapter 22

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I woke up wrapped in my loves arms. He was quietly snoring. It was so cute!! I slowly got out of his arms and took a picture. I couldn't help it. I posted it on my snapchat story with the caption "Awe he's so cute" I grabbed a black shirt with a pocket and some cute white shorts. I grabbed my undergarments and walking into the bathroom. I stripped and got in the shower. I started thinking about what I'm going to do. Now that I'm done with high school. Today I'm going to look at houses. I saved a lot of money since I was little to buy a house. I want to ask Hunter if he wants to live with me but I don't know. Once I was done taking the shower I stepped out and dried off before putting on my clothes. I started brushing my teeth and I heard the door open. I looked through the mirror and saw Hunter there. "Hey babe" he said sleepily. "Hey baby" I laughed spitting tooth paste on the mirror. He took his phone out and recorded. "No babe stop I look like a mess" I said turning around and covering the camera. He laughed and the recording ended. He kissed me. I pulled away and laughed as I saw the tooth paste on his lips. He took his tooth brush and got by me at the sink and brushed his teeth. Once we finished that he got the brush out and turned to me. "Can I brush your hair?" He said doing a cheesy smile. "Of course" I said giving him the same smile back, and sitting on the bed. He sat behind me and started brushing my hair lightly, trying not to hurt me. I took my phone out and took a picture I was smiling and he had a concentrating look on his face. I posted it on my story and texted a few people back, waiting for him to finish my hair. Once he finished getting the knots out he got up and ran into the bathroom, coming back into the room with a hair tie and a headband. He winked at me and sat behind me. He picked the brush back up and put my hair into a ponytail. "Turn around" he said. I turned around facing him and he put the headband on me. "Beautiful!" He said clapping his hands. "I'm going to look for houses today..." I trailed off looking around my room. "Um do you wanna come? I kinda want you to live with me" I said the last part quietly. "Of course" he said as he wrapped his arms around me. I smiled and pulled away from the hug. I slipped some shoes on and walked downstairs. "Mom I'm going to look for houses with Hunter" I said getting my car keys. "Okay! Love you have fun!" She said before going to sit on the couch. Hunter came down the stairs in kaki shorts and a stripped shirt with some vans on. Honestly we don't act 18 we act 7, but oh well.

{after looking at houses}

"We found this really nice one, it had a hot tub, a pool, a big nice backyard, it had 3 rooms, 3 bathroom, a nice kitchen, it was just perfect" I explained to my mom. "Oh well that's good honey! I'm glad you guys like it."

I know I usually don't end chapters this short but should I add a little twist in here?😏 maybe to make it a little interesting.

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