Photos Capture The Moment Forever

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Max's Pov.

"What? Are you serious?"

"Why wouldn't I be?" My brother said, to me. A small smile on his face.

"You really have a job idea for me?" I asked not believing him because what does my brother know about civilization. He's never seen a human or even went beyond the Pack border.

"Yes, now shush child and listen to me. You remember Aunt Kat, right? We knew her when we were little and she went to live in civilization?" Nate asked and I slowly nodded in response, a curious expression on my face. I remember my Aunt Kat used to living in the pack with us when I was around 4 years old, but I don't remember that much. She also had a son that I think was my age. I don't remember much of her, but I know she just left one day and we never heard from her.

"I was going through the drawers in the kitchen a few weeks ago, and I found Aunt Kats number, so I called her earlier. I told her about your situation, and she said that she could give you a job at her club. She said it was called The Wolfs Den." He explained to me with a small smile.

"Why didn't you tell me you found Aunt Kats number? And why didn't you get me when you called her?" I asked because seriously, when you call a family member you haven't seen in a while, your siblings might want to talk to them.

" Forgot to tell you, and you were asleep, and I know I shouldn't wake you, but Alexander talked to her. He was excited. He only heard stories about her so he was glad he could finally talk to her." Nate told me, an apologetic smile was on his face.

The reason why Nate didn't want to wake me, wasn't because I get cranky when I'm sleeping, or I 'need my beauty sleep'. It's because I usually have trouble sleeping, and when I'm asleep I usually have a nightmare. I'm like this creature, and I attack people and different creature. It's honestly terrifying, and I don't know why I have this same dream. But it's only at night into the day, but it happens only a few times if I fall asleep during the day time. It takes me forever to fall asleep, and at this point, I can run on little to no sleep until I'm too exhausted to function.

"At least he spoke to her," I said with a small smile. "So, she works at a club? what exactly is a club?" My brother just gave me a shrug, "No idea, but it sounds cool," Nate told me, and I agreed.


Today is the day. They day where for a year, I have to live in civilization and try and be normal. I have this constant sick feeling like my stomach is twisting and turning. I'm in my room, looking at my somewhat empty bedroom. I'm not able to bring any of my furniture with me except my dresser and my mattress because those are the only items that will fit in the truck the Order supplied me with.

I know nothing about cars, all I know is that my truck is red, has seats in the front and back, and has a space in the back to put things in. But it did look nice, and it was shiny.

The past two days I went to go say goodbye to my friends, or old friends anyway. All of them (not like it was a lot, probably about 4) said things that you'd probably wouldn't expect from friends. Some told me that they hope I don't come back from civilization or scientists to use me as a test subject. I guess it was understandable since I did almost destroy the whole Pack.

The whole idea of this, seems unreal to me. I wouldn't expect this to really happen to me. I have to survive a whole year alone, it makes me sick just thinking about it.

"You ready?" I hear Nathaniel asked solemnly, poking his head through my door frame. I was sitting criss-cross on my dark colored, wood flooring and I had my camera in my lap. My mom and dad got it for me for my 14th birthday. They used to go in and out of the forest and got the Pack supplies they need like food, water, clothes, and even some unnecessary items like cell phones. On one of their trips they got me it and I used always take pictures on it. After their disappearance two years ago I haven't taken that many pictures. When they were on one of their trips to civilization, they disappeared. Just gone. The Pack's trackers found their van that they kept the items in and it had everything in it but them. There are several people at the time that got items, but of course it had to be my parents.

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