Just Like Family

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Max p.o.v.

I look up at the sign on top of a building that read The Wolfs Den in a blue neon sign. I go to the side of the building to see a line of people from the ages 13 to maybe 16. And the line was long. As I got closer, I see a kid, about my age, maybe a year or two younger than me managing who got in.

I walk to the front of the line, because if there was some sort of list of names I should be on it because my brother told her I'd be coming at this time. Some kids give me weird looks as I walk past them and some said some words that kids should not be saying at that age.

The kid in the front of the line has black hair, and has the tips died red. He wore black ripped jeans, a My Chemical Romance shirt, and as I got closer I saw that he had a diamond (most likely fake) earring in his right ear.

"Name?" He asked, looking at me.

"Um, I'm here to see Katherine Sanders?" I said after a second.

The kid looked at me and  his eyes widen slightly, "Maxine?" He asked.

"Um, yes? Do I know you?" I answer slowly, confused.

He gave me a tight hug, "It's me, James! Your favorite cousin!" He said. I saw a grin on his face when he let go of me.

My body stiffens at the contact, and I looked at him in confusion for a second. "Oh my moon!" I said a small smile on my face.

"Really? That's all I get, a smile, not even a grin?" He teased. I rolled my eyes and gave him a hug, "I haven't seen you in ages,"

"Let's get you to mom," he said and pulled a rope looking thing to block off the line.

"If anyone goes inside, I will know and you will be band for a year. Got it?" James said to the long line, following with complaints from the line.

We begin to walk through a dark hallway entering the club. I'm still not sure what a club is, but from the long line, I'm guessing it's like a big get together, with very loud music.

As we get closer to the main room, I ask James, "Are you actually allowed to decide who gets band?"

"Oh hell no, they are usually just too scared to do it or I have my mom take care of it," he chuckled, his hands in his pockets.

The room in front of us was a mix of dark blue, black, and dark purple, with every color strobe light and laser. In the middle of the room, there is a bar that has machines that look like they hold slushies, milkshakes, and sodas. It was in a square shape with bar stools all around it.

The room was really big, and there was enough space around the bar for people to dance, and as we walked farther, in the back there were two steps that lead to a platform that held about 40-50 tables. And to my right there was a really big stage that I'm guessing they use for live music.

"So this is a kids club?" I asked, looking at my cousin.

"Well, yes. But no. In the daytime from 12-7 is for kids from the ages 12 to 15 usually, and then 7 pm- 3 am is for everyone else. But only people with I.D get alcoholic drinks,"

"Oh, so let me get this straight. A club is just a big get together sort of thing?"

"Don't tell me you don't know what a club is." I shrugged.

"Oh right, your from the pack, I heard they were strict on what people knew about the 'outside world' as my mom put it. Well it's just like a big party sort of thing that like people can take there friends out to celebrate, or have a good time, or something like that," he explained simply.

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