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Ashton's Pov.

I look to my left. Nothing. To my right. Nothing. Then, I run. I lost my team and I have to keep moving. I hear guns going off every second.

"Guys I've been hit!" I heard a voice come through my teams walkie talkie, "Okay, where are you?" I asked as I hid behind a wall, crouching, and looking around for any sign of a person, thankfully I didn't.

"Uh, I don't know. To the left of where we all met,"

"Okay, we're coming." I heard another voice say.

"Okay, but I don't have much longer!"

I then head to the room we were just in. Where we are, was like an abandoned town, obviously a lot smaller. There were buildings but some without doors or windows, empty cars, crates, and some other things. (A/N: picture it like a Call Of Duty set up).

From the corner of my eye I see someone, and I duck behind a ledge next to some stairs and look at the person. It was someone from the other team and thank god they didn't see me. I hold up one of my two hand held guns and I shoot the person in the back. The person is probably telling their team that they're down so I have to try and get out if there as soon as I can.

I then look around, seeing a big spacing between buildings. I either would be shot without any cover, or no one would see me because no one is in this area.

I don't see anyone and think to myself, fuck it, and start sprinting as fast as I can.

Half way through the spacing, I hear a bang and dirt flies up from a spot on the ground next to me, indicating someone shot and missed. I look up from the direction the shot came from an I realize it was a sniper, ready to shoot again. I turn and run. Holding my guns tight in my hands and sprint to the nearest cover which was a side of a building. I use my walkie talkie and said, "There's a sniper on the Main Street."

I finally get to the building my group and I first met up in and I look through the window. Trying to find any source of a person.

I crouch down and peek through one of the open windows to one of the room and I didn't see anyone.

I go though the open window, making sure to not be loud. I then start to go to the rooms to the left. Looking for any sign of my team.

Since ones down, there could be either one or two people here. When I shot the person earlier, one person from their team could have tried to go and save them, but one person from their team was shooting from the rooftops.

I just think fuck it  once again and start walking to the rooms to the left. My guns gripped in my hands. I go room to room, not finding any source of him.

"Jasper! Do you hear me!?" I called out waiting for a reply. A few seconds later I hear, "Yeah but I don't have much longer! Hurry!"

I then run to where his voice came from and I run up a stair case, running three at a time. I looks for the other teams members but I don't see any. I see Jasper on the ground. A hologram time counting down from 0:57 hovering over his chest. A button that said 'reset' appeared over it, I walked over to him pressing the button and it takes ten seconds to reset the team members vest.

I get to 6 seconds and I hear someone behind me. I let go, holding up my gun. I see the person is Emma. "He only has 50 seconds," she said looking at me. "If you save him I shoot you before the timer ends, then I shoot him." She said.

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