Party time

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"What would you like to drink?" Maxine asked the order of the two kids sitting at a table that went to her school.

"I'd like a coke," the boy said and Max and the boy both looked at the girl to see what she was getting, "I'll have a sprite please,"

Max nodded and said, "all right, they'll be right out,"

It was Max's second week of her waitressing job at the Den, and she really enjoyed it. Of course she had the rude people here and there, but she just ignored their comments and did her job.

She gets paid enough to get things she needs, but she hasn't had the opportunity to shop at any stores yet.

Max has been doing all the things she's needed to do at her aunts house like washing clothes and showering, and she also eats her food at the Den or her aunts house. She's only used the house mainly just for sleep, or being alone.

Maxine came back with the couples drinks after a few moments and started making her way around the tables.

In her first week and a half, she had Sasha come around and help her, but now she finally was on her own, but Sasha had a close eye on her.

Bellamy stoped Max when he saw her walking to another table to check on them. "Hey Max, upstairs there are girls in private room two that ordered some cheese fries and a pitcher of coke. I'm busy with other tables, can you give them their order? It's already ready I just need you to give it to them." Bellamy asked her with pleading brown eyes.

Maxine nodded, "yeah, of course," she said. "Oh my god thank you, you're a love saver" he had said then Maxine headed off to the counter by the kitchen that held the ready orders. She saw the order for private room two and headed up with the food and drink. She held the pitcher carefully and made sure not to drop the large order of fries.

She had made it to private room two without a spill. The private room had glass windows as it's front walls and door. Max gave one of the girls a motion with her hand that held the fries to get one of the girls attentions signifying she was there as she awkwardly held the fries and drink in one hand. She opened up the door and walked over to the bar that was to her left.

She just wanted to be in and out, but one of the girls out of five had to say, "hey, do you know where that cute waiter went? You know, his name was like Bellamy I think," Max didn't recognize the girl, but she looked around her age. Maybe a year or two younger.

"Um, he's busy with other tables so I took over," she said simply, "I'll tell him you guys are looking for him," it took Max a lot of strength to not roll her eyes.

Max began to grab the girls' trash and empty cups and put them on the tray. "You'll really do it?" One of the other girls asked excitedly. Maxine sighed slightly, feeling her patience draining "sure," she said, and this time with an eye roll.

Maxine turned around quickly, wanting to leave before the girls start wondering if she could give them his number.

But Max collided with a girl and she was sent backwards. Max dropped the tray of cups that were filled with old sodas and trash and it fell all over her, but Maxine quickly, faster than her normal speed grabbed the girls arm before she could fall. She helped the girl stand straight, "Oh my moon, are you okay? I'm so sorry!" Maxine apologized frantically.

"No, no. I'm fine. Thank you for catching me! Oh no, your shirts all dirty," the girl frowned, looking at Max's uniform. Not like it was anything to formal. Just a white T-shirt, black pants, and an apron that ties around her waist.

Maxine began to pick up all the trash that fell and cups, "My shirt doesn't matter. And again, sorry for bumping into you." Max apologized before she walked out. She saw the other girls laughing as she walked out and one of them gave her a weird look. Max walked down the stairs and to the kitchen to put the cups in the sink, and to throw the trash away.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 03, 2017 ⏰

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