Apology Accepted

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*Next Day*

Me and Natalia walk in the Cafeteria for lunch. We see Chris looking at us smiling but we turn the other direction. We sat at the back table with some other girls in our class. We talked and talked and all of a sudden arguing starts. I see my sister get up and deck a bitch in the mouth. Soon after she was on top and punching non stop. I ran over there yelling.

"Nobody better touch my sister and that's on my momma son"

The girl starts screaming so I try pulling my sister. But then some girl comes out of no where and tries to swing on me. I weaved her punch. And I throw her on the floor and start feeding her my fist. I feel some one pull me off her. I turn around and it was Chris.

"Don't fucking touch me you liar" I screamed at him.

"What the fuck are you talking bout" he said angrily.

"Move" I pushed my way pass him got my sister and then left the cafeteria. Natalia came out behind us.

"Damn. Yall went duff on them hoes. Yall dummied they faces up. Omg girl." she said all hype.

Me and my sister laughed.

Me and my sister got called in the office but surprisingly they didn't suspend us. They told us that they have been giving every one their own personal warning. So she told us don't let it happen again. We agreed and then left.

I walked down the hall and went to my locker when Chris showed up.

"What the hell is wrong with you"

"Oh I didn't know Waffle House was Rose Swings Restaurant" I said sarcastically.

There was a long pause.

"Thats what I thought. Go back to the girl you love" I said.

"Why are you so mad ? Me and you are just friends" he said.

"Yea just friends. I caught feelings for you. I really liked you. You didn't have to life. You could have told the truth. I don't feel anything but pain because I thought you liked me too. You lied and that's what breaks my heart more." I began to cry and walk off. There were a good bit of people in the hallway watching.

I ran to the the Conference room and called my momma to see if she can come get me. I told her that I didn't feel good.

She came in like 30 minutes and asked me if I needed to go to the doctor. I told her no that I just wanted to go home and lay back on my bed.

*Chris POV*

I had no idea that I hurt Quetta that much. And to be honest I liked Quetta just as much as she liked me. I just seriously didnt realize it. But now I do realize that I gotta make this right with Quetta. So I call Lanae.

"Hey big daddy"
"No. Listen im calling you to tell you that we gotta stop seeing each other and that ion want anything to do with you."
"Are you serious. Cj you cant do that"
"Don't call me that and yes im serious and watch me"

With that being said I hung up and blocked her number. I got on facebook, instagram, and kik as well and I also blocked her.

I texted Quetta

"We need to talk. After school and im so serious Quetta."

I waited to see if she would text back but she didn't. I realized that I really fucked up.

*Quettas POV*

I laid on my bed and let my thoughts take over. After a while my phone starts vibrating. It was an unknown number.

"We need to talk. After school and im so serious Quetta"

I threw the phone down not knowing who it was.

I began to think and think again and I realized that it must have been Chris. I picked up my phone.

"There's nothing to talk about leave me alone"

15 minutes later I get the longest paragraph ever.

"Quetta listen to me. Im sorry for what happened. What I did was wrong. I screwed up. I cant believe I was stupid enough not to realize that you really liked me. And to be honest with you, I really like you too. Your smile is just so beautiful. You are beautiful. When I look at you, you brighten up my day. I trust you I really do. Whenever you're around my heart beats ten times faster. And its all because of you. That night we were in the car, I wanted to kiss you but I didn't know what you would think of me. I told Lanae that I couldn't fuck with her anymore. I blocked her on everything. I wanna make things right with you Quetta. Baby girl im sorry ❤😔"

I began to cry and cry.

"After school come to my house. And apology accepted ❤😌"

.                                                           .

That paragraph was so sweet .!

Do you think Lanae is out of the picture .?

Will Chris and Quetta begin to have a "thing" .?

Read more to find out ..!!!

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