chapter 1

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I read the time, it read back to me. '23:49', okay I better sleep. I have work tomorrow. I cuddled my quilt, shut my eyes and I was gone.

The alarm bursted into my ears and I woke up vastly, Jesus my alarm is more annoying than Joe at work!

There is 3 of us that work in a small bakery at Lonvocals lane. My boss, Ricco, my work annoying mate, Joe, and me, Anne. Anne Smith. I have dark blonde curly hair and hazel with a bit of green eyes. My lips are puckered, like faint pink. My favourite part of me is my lips. I just find them so attractive! God I sound cocky.

I threw my work dress on and my apron and quickly put my hair in a bun. I'm not going anywhere or meeting anyone special! I slipped into my plimsolls and I locked my apartment door. The weather was chilly and I felt a breeze along my arms giving me edgy goose bumps.

While walking to the bus stop, I see an old man sitting there reading a newspaper. He looked up with a grumpy and moody face. I faintly smiled and he sniggered. Was there need to be rude? I was going to sit down but I guess not. I leant against the sign and plugged in my headphones.

"Excuse me!" A women said, it bugs me so much when people interrupt me while I'm listening to music. But I threw on a smile and looked her in the eye. "But was you waiting for bus 3?" She asked politely.
"Yes, how did you know?" I wondered. I put my headphones in my pocket without thinking about it.
"Well, I just looked on Facebook and there was a huge accident down the road from here." She said. I gasped with water in my eyes. I mean, I feel sorry for the accident but really? My bus?
"Oh my goodness, shall we go check?" I asked. She shrugged her shoulders and frowned. I took my phone out of my bag and dialled the taxi number.
"Who are you phoning?" She asked inappropriately. What business is hers?
"Excuse me?" I asked inappropriately. She rolled her eyes and walked away.

"Hiya, taxis. Where from?"

"Hiya there, can you pick me up from Vignette Grape Road please?" I asked politely.

"Of course, wont be long." He said. I smiled while thanking him and hung up. I sat on the bus stop bench and plugged my headphones in again while keeping an eye out for a taxi. My music stopped playing and my ringtone began to play. I huffed as I answered the call.

"Sorry to bother love, but is it okay if a man jumps in on the way?" He said, the same voice I just spoke to. I couldn't say no.
"Of course, that's fine". But really I was in a hurry and couldn't wait for him!

A taxi pulled up and I smiled while waving. I jumped in the back and a huge beautiful man was sat there. He had dark blonde hair that looked so soft and amazing! His eyes were as blue as anything! His muscles were huge and so hunky. He was amazing. Jump in all my taxis if you want. I grinned and couldn't stop. He moved up and passed me the seatbelt.
"I'm sorry to bother," he said in a deep husky voice. God I wanted to hear more!
"No no, it's fine!" I plugged my seatbelt in. He grinned.
"So this is where you live?" He asked. I'm pretty sure he has an Australian accent?
"Yeah, not much." I shrugged. Can I just skip work and listen to him talk all day? He shook his head and frowned.
"No no, it's a lovely city! You picked nicely." He raised his eyebrows again while chuckling. Yes, he has an Australian accent. Yes, I'm attached to him. Yes, I feel like crying because I don't want to leave.
"So what's your name?" I asked. He turned to me, and leaned on the middle seat.
"Chris," he waited for me to say mine while holding his hand out.
"Anne," I answered while shaking his hand gently.
"Where are you going miss?"the driver asked.
"Lonvocals road," I said. The both of them looked round surprised.
"No way!" Chris gasped. "That's where I'm going!" He laughed. Yes! Come in my cafe and we can talk all day!
"Oh my god, what a coincidence!" I laughed with him. I felt so relieved! I couldn't help but print a smile on my face, it just didn't go!

CALLING ME          {chris hemsworth // love}Where stories live. Discover now