Chapter 4

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I heard a knock at the door which suddenly woke me up. I rubbed my eyes and looked over at Anne. She was fast asleep, still looking beautiful. I see her smile while she was dreaming, it was the best thing I've seen in a long time. There was another knock at the door. I opened the door. It was a young boy. Really skinny and dark black hair slit back. He looked me up and down and I suddenly remembered I only had my boxers on.
"So you're Chris?" He put his hand on his hip and raised an eyebrow.
"Yeah, you're the brother right?" I said in a deep morning voice. He nodded while looking behind me to see Anne asleep.
"I don't know what you're trying to do and I don't want to know," he said while pointing at my naked body. "But if you hurt her-"
"Honestly, I would never hurt her!" I replied.
"Make it stay that way then." He said. "And get a shirt on. My mother won't be pleased if she see you like that!" He rolled his eyes while making his way to the stairs.
"Cheeky little shi-"
"Morning!" Anne yelled in her croaky morning voice. I ran over to her and jumped on the bed. She screamed with laughing. Placing her hand on my face, she smiled.
"I love you!" She hugged me and I squeezed her tightly while carrying her out of bed wedding style.
"I love you too!" I kissed her neck and she squealed.
"Excuse me, sorry to interrupt!" The brother was back again.
"Tom go away!" She ran over to the door and shut it. Walking over to me, she rolled her eyes. "He's so annoying!"
"He's already had the big brother talk with me earlier." I laughed. She gasped and placed her head in her hands while shaking her head.
"You must think my family are maniacs!" She placed her body in my arms and I suddenly felt warm.
"I love them, they just caring for you." I replied.

Anne and I walked down the stairs, fully clothed, smelling cooked breakfast. We saw Tom sitting at the table and I guessed her mum was at the sink, washing up.
"Mother," Anne said gently. He mum looked round with a smile. She saw me and her face lit up.
"Oh my! Take your shirt off!" She insisted. I turned red and blushed. Anne hit her very gently while laughing. I looked over at Tom, remembering when he said his mother wouldn't be pleased if I was naked. She hugged me tightly and I kneeled down for her height.
"Pleasure to meet you," I kissed her cheek and she blushed. She nodded while placing her hand on my face.
"You're perfect for Anne. For me too but Anne deserves someone like you!" She giggled.
"No no," I shook my head. "I'm the lucky one!" I kneeled up and she hugged me again.
"Would you like some breakfast?" She asked us.
"Would love some!" I replied. I held Anne's hand and we walked over to the table, sitting next to one another.
"Where's dad?" Anne asked. Her mother turned red and shrugged her shoulders.
"I don't know," her voice cracked.
"Mum?" Anne said slowly. Tom got up and stormed out the kitchen up the stairs while swearing over and over.
"Your father is-" she began. "he's at the hospital!" She cried.
"Well why are we not with him!" Anne got up and began to slip some shoes on.
"No Anne! No!" Her mother said. She grabbed Anne and hugged her.
"I can't let you go!" She whispered. "The doctors said no visitors.." She cried.

Anne walked over to me after the hug and held my hand. She looked like she was about to say something.
"I'm sure he will be fine-"
"Chris!" She began. "I'm going to stay here for a while, I can't go back knowing my dad is in hospital and I'm not there. I'll pay for your taxi back home and I'll give you my keys so you can stay there. I won't be long. A week or so." She handed me her keys from her pockets and I shook my head.
"I care too," I replied. "I want to stay with you and your family if that's okay?" She smiled and nodded while jumping in my arms.
"It's more than okay!" She grinned.

The phone rang and her mother picked up the phone. Anne sat on my lap while playing with my hair and giggling. I glared at her perfect face. Looking at every feature and wondering how I can be with someone this perfect. I looked over to her mother and she dropped the phone in tears. I ran over to her and my ears bleeped. My eyes widened and I caught her from collapsing to the floor.
"Jane!" I yelled. She held me tightly and screamed with tears rushing out of her eyes. Anne ran over and held her with me.
"Jane what's going on?" I yelled. I saw Tom rush down the stairs in between the tears in my eyes. He ran over to Jane and held her tightly. Everyone cried and we all held together, like a family.
"He is dead!" She cried even more while holding back screaming. After seconds, she bursted out screaming again and we all tightened together even more.

The day passed of tears non stop. Anne stuck with me the whole time.

We got into bed and she sat up straight. I sat up with her and rubbed her back.
"You okay?" I said gently. She nodded and smiled at me.
"Do you want to go home?" She asked. I shook my head and frowned.
"No! Why did you ask that. I want to be with you." I replied while holding her tiny hands.
"I want to go home.." She whispered. I nodded trying to think. "Can we just leave now?" She asked.
"Why now?" I asked. She faced me and held my other hand.
"I can't handle this depression!" She replied. "I just want my own bed, with you laying next to me!" She looked down at her crossed legs and frowned. I lifted her chin up and smiled.
"We will leave as soon as you wake up! I promise." I said.
"But why tomorrow, I want to leave now!" She cried. I shook my head and denied her question.
"It's too rude, please can we just sleep. I promise, before 8 we will leave!" I grabbed my phone and showed her who I was texting. I got up the man who drove us here and texted him
"Could you pick us up as soon as you can in the morning, would be brilliant before 8. Thank you, Chris. X"
I looked at her before I sent it and raised my eyebrows. She nodded and I sent it.
"Okay?" I smiled while pulling her to lay down and I pulled the quilt over us. I put her head in my arms and we fell asleep once again.

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