chapter 2

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I felt burning on my eyes like some sort of light or flash. I rubbed them and realised I fell asleep on my sofa, with the curtains open... and Chris asleep next to me. I gasped and jumped up quickly. He started to open his eyes. No he couldn't see me like this! He smiled while his eyes started to adjust.
"Good morning A-" he said in a deep husky voice. But I ran into the bathroom. Of all places, where there's no makeup, hair brush or clothes. I lifted my arm up and smelt an extremely bad Oder. I heard a knock.
"Anne?" He called. "Are you okay?". He sounded like he was shaking or really worried. I needed to tell him that I was fine, I just looked a mess. But I don't want to sound dramatic.
"Oh yeah I'm fine, don't worry!" I laughed loudly.
"Are you sure?" He asked again. I hummed and I heard footsteps getting quieter meaning he's leaving me be. I quickly brushed my teeth and put my hair in a messy bun. That will do. I opened the door slightly, peeked and quietly ran to my room. I chucked on a new pair of jeans and an old Star Wars t shirt. I walked down the stairs to find Chris texting on his phone. I sat next to him and he quickly put his phone in his pocket like he was hiding something.
"What was that?" I asked.
"Nothing, you okay?" He said, trying to change the subject. I twisted my body to look at him properly.
"What was that?" I asked again, more loudly. He took his phone out and showed me the message.
"It was a message to my mum." He replied.
I read the message. 'Hiya mum, it's Chris. I won't be back next week. I'm hoping to stay as long as I can. I met a beautiful girl here, and I really want to get to know her. If she doesn't like me, I'll leave. I don't want to make her like me. Love you, Chris.'. Wow I feel guilty. I feel special. I feel upset. I feel lucky. Seriously? He wants to know me? Honestly, I couldn't feel better. I handed him the phone with tears in my eyes.
"I'm so sorry!" I said while my voice cracked. He pulled me in and hugged me tightly.
"It's fine. I just get embarrassed." He rubbed my shoulders. I've never felt so guilty. Instead of me thinking he's texting another girl, not that it would matter because we only just met, but he's approving me of his mum. That takes guts and even to show me the message. He let go of me but still had his arm loosely around me and his other hand under my chin.
"I understand you get worried," he whispered. I frowned confusingly. " were cheated on?" He said, reminding me. Wow, a man who remembers everything I say. He listens to me. I'm lucky.
"Oh yeah!" I chuckled on purpose. He smiled while his eyes looked confused. I coughed to break the awkwardness.
"so.." He said. "You want to grab coffee?"
"well, I have work-" I said. I was so gutted! I love work. Now I hate it! I just want to spend time with him now!
"what time?" He asked. I looked at my phone.
"what?" He panicked. I have work in 10 minutes! There's no way I can get there in time!
"My work!" I ran to my room and started panicking. I lifted my shirt up and looked around for a polo shirt. I heard Chris coming up the stairs. He walked in and I turned around. He saw my bra. No. No. Seriously. He quickly walked out and I heard him swear.
"I'm so sorry Anne!" He yelled.
"It's okay.." But it wasn't, I replied. I found a white polo shirt and threw it on. As I walked on, trying to put my converse on, he was sat on the floor with his head in his hands. I sat next to him and he looked up.
"Honestly, it's okay!" I whispered while comforting him. Shaking his head, he didn't move another part of his body.
"Chris!" I followed on. "Look at me!" I said. After a few seconds, he looked at me finally. "I don't care! Let's just forget about it?" I asked. He nodded slowly while placing his head in my arms. He squeezed me tightly and lifted me up wedding style. We both laughed and he carried me down the stairs.
"Come on! A taxi is on its way!" He grinned. I placed my hand on his face and dreamed into his eyes while he looked at mine. He leaned in to kiss me. But I placed my finger on his lips while backing away and laughing.
"I don't believe in kissing before m-"
"Seriously?" He chuckled. He put me down, opened the door for me and handed me my keys.

We waited on the bench for the taxi to arrive and he was telling me all about him. It started like this.
"so what do you do for a job?" I asked. He hand his hands on his knees and he was bent over a little bit. He looked behind at me who was sat on the bench shaking incase I was late.
"Have a guess.." He said. Seriously, how was I meant to know?
"A model?" I said cheesy. We both giggled. He did a smirk kind of frown like Robert de Nero does but he leant back and turned to me again.
"Very close!" He said normally. Seriously, I didn't know if he was lying or not. Was he serious? Close to a model?
"I have no idea!" I huffed. "Just tell me!"
"I'm an actor!" He laughed. I looked at him confused. An actor? A big actor? A huge actor? Well with beauty and talent that good, I'm sure he was big!
"Wow! You been in any films?" I asked. He rolled his eyes.
"Nah!!" He replied sarcastically. I punched his arm gently. "Well yes, I play a super hero, Thor." He said. Oh my god! I gasped and he laughed.
"No way! I used to watch the avengers with my father not too long ago, are you kidding me?" I looked more in his eyes and I saw it more. "Chris Hemsworth yes!" Is this a joke? I can't believe I'm sat next to an international movie star!
"Yep. That's me!" He chuckled.
"And and-" I hesitated trying to think of another film he's been in. I'm sure I know it! "BLACK HAT!" I bursted out. I knew I knew it! He laughed even more while hugging me.
"You can stop now!" He whispered. I laughed while hugging him tighter.

After the taxi ride finished, I was still trying to focus on him being Chris Hemsworth, he dropped me off to work. I was a few minutes late but nobody was standing outside waiting.
"Wow, Thank you for an incredible evening and a rushed morning. It's been lovely." I said while he stood there not knowing what to do. He giggled.
"It's been a pleasure to spend it with you, miss." He took my hand and kissed it sarcastically. "I will pick you up from your house at 8, I'm taking you out!" He winked and began to walk away.
"Wait, what?" I yelled.
"Chris has nothing more to say!" He said trying not to laugh. I stood there, watching him walk away. I missed him already! I never want to see him walk away. Especially if I knew he wouldn't come back.

The day dragged. I didn't see him for a whole 8 hours! How did I manage? My work was finished and I had 2 days off. Just to spend with Chris. I used to hate Friday's because it was my last day of work, but now I absolutely love it! I ordered a taxi and it came straight away. Okay, I had 2 hours left to get ready!

I unlocked my door and rushed in my draws to find a cute dress. But I was in a pickle. There was 2 super cute dresses that I couldn't choose from. Which one would Chris think is the best? One was light blue and really tight but had faint flowers dotted around. It made my butt look big. He'd like that I guess. But the other was a short dress with flowers all around and very summery. I thought for a date, I'd choose the tight one. And the other one was for a walk of something we could have. I put my legs in and pulled it up to my shoulders while poking my arms through the short sleeves. I struggled doing the zip at the back but I managed after a few minutes of panicking. Whilst sat in front of the mirror, I started applying make up and after that was done, I straightened my hair.

I checked the time and it was 10 to 8. I sprayed deodorant, covered my self with perfume and slipped my black heels on that matched my black purse. After one more look at myself in the mirror, the door knocked. A big wave of excitement rushed through my body. Was this too much dressy? God I felt too dressy. I walked down the stairs carefully incase I fell. I couldn't remember the last time I wore heels. I'm bound to fall. As I opened the door, I had a glance of a light grey suit with a maroon tie. I looked up to jelled back hair and bright blue eyes glaring down at my dress with a smirk.
"Wow!" We said in unison. We started to laugh while realising how many times we say wow.
"You look..." Chris started to say but he couldn't find the word to describe. "Well, my mind is blown. This is just..." He said, stuck with words.
"Why thank you mr Hemsworth." I curtsied. He bowed while taking my hand and kissing it. With his puckered lips touching my pale shaking hand, his eyes looked up into mine.
"Shall we leave?" He said poshly.
"We shall!" I said even posher. He took my arm and I shut the door.

He whistled and a red Ferrari pulled up. I laughed while realising when I said about the Ferrari and old motor. He looked at me and winked. I opened the car door but he shook his head and pushed me back gently.
"I am a gentleman," he opened the door and rolled me into the car. "I must do the honours."

On the way, to somewhere, I kept getting whiffs of his aftershave. It smelt of men and sure did smell incredible. It suited him and his suit. He looked perfect. The driver in front played classical quiet music. The journey seemed to be very far and I had no idea where I was.

We were in the car for at least a couple of hours. Chris and I were just talking the whole time about ourselves until the car stopped and we reached our destination. I've seen this place before but I had no idea where? I saw a restaurant called "Gentleman's Palace" and I seemed we were heading there. We walked across the cobble stones while holding each others hands. Before he went in, Chris stopped me and held both my hands.
"This isn't just a first date, but it's really important to me and especially you. I want you to remember this day. Well because, you'll see."
"See what?" I asked.
"You'll see.." He winked. I followed him, with his hand, to the entrance. Everybody was wearing suits and the women were wearing so beautiful dresses. I felt like I was the left out one. I wasn't rich, I wasn't beautiful, I was just hear with a rich beautiful man. A waiter came over and I suddenly smelt a beautiful aftershave past my nose.
"Name please sir," he asked. Chris replied with "Hemsworth" and the waiter checked the list. He suddenly smiled and we followed him to a table. I saw the back of a mans head sitting at the table in front of us. The waiter waved his hand at the table the man was sitting at. Why are we sitting here? A man is already sitting there? I was so confused. Chris looked back and me and smiled. The man began to stand up and he shook Chris' hand. He turned to me. I saw his face. Oh my god. It was him!

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