Chapter 3

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My father. Chris put all this effort into this. He wanted to meet me father like this. I felt so lucky. My father began to walk towards me and I began to cry. I hugged him for so long.
"I promise," I whispered in his ear. "He's the right one!".
"I know," he replied with a whisper. "You stay with him." He said. We let go and I sat next to Chris while my father sat in front of us.

"It's such a pleasure to meet you sir, Anne has said so much about you. I just wanted to meet you." Chris looked down to me. "It's special for both of us."
"Well, it's even more of a pleasure to meet an incredible man love my daughter when I can't." My father replied. I was confused. Chris was confused.
"What do you mean dad?" I asked.
"I didn't want to tell you, especially in front of a man I just met, but you're the only people I've told." He said. What was going on? Chris held my hand and I felt him shaking.
"I can leave?" Chris replied. "If you two want to talk, I don't m-"
"No, I want you both to hear." His eyes started to water. Seeing him cry made me cry. Tears began to roll down my cheek.
"I don't have much long to live..." He said. My heart stopped and I held back screaming. But I couldn't no longer. I screamed to cry and a hundred more tears rolled down my cheek. Chris hugged me tightly but I couldn't feel anything.
"I don't want to ruin anything.." My father said while he voice cracked. We stood up and I fell into his arms and I heard him whine. Chris put his head in his hands and began to cry. We cried together. We loved together.
"I want to talk to Chris." My father said, stopping us hugging. My dad told Chris to go with him.

He put his hand around me and I felt weak and punished. He took me to the outside garden. No body was there. The smell of freshly cut grass and beer. Lonely tables. Fairy lights glanced around that seemed to blur from the tears in my eyes. We sat on the same bench and he shook my hand while holding it the whole time.
"Anne loves you," he said. I began to cry even more. He shook his head while tears fell from him more. "You won't be able to get my permission to marry her in the future, so I'll say this now." A million goosebumps covered my body like flies. "Marry her like she's the last girl in the world. Have her babies like they're made of gold. And make her feel lucky because she sure is to have a man like you by her side." He tightened his hand. I felt proud and sad at the same time. He pulled me into a hug. I felt his shake and weakness.
"Thank you sir," I said proudly trying not to crack my voice. "I will make her a wife. I will make her a mum. And I will one hundred percent make you proud." After he heard these words, he hugged me tighter and let go of my hand to wrap it round me. I patted his back and I heard him cry in my ear.

This wasn't how I planned our first date. I feel lucky to have met her father. And for him to be this nice to me, I felt luckier.

We walked back to the table and Anne was sat there. I sat next to her and he sat in front.
"All I can say is," he began. "Have a life to remember and make me proud. Although I won't be here, I'll always be here." He pointed to his heart and I wrapped my arm around Anne. She nodded and smiled.
"I love you." She whispered trying to not get her words wrong.
"I love you too princess!" He nodded with a proud smile on his face.

We ate our food, had laughs and it was time to leave. We all waited outside for our rides.
"I wouldn't mind if you two wanted to crash at my place?" He said. I looked down at Anne and she looked up at me. She shrugged and nodded.
"Yeah, sure!" She said. He looked at me and smiled.
"That way, Chris can meet the mum and brother?" He said to Anne.
"Yes oh my god!" She said excitedly. I grinned and rubbed her back. My car arrived and he gasped.
"No way! This is your ride?" He laughed. I nodded.
"Here, sod the taxi. You give it a ride and the driver can sit in the passenger seat!" I suggested. I opened the drivers door and told him to sit in the passenger seat.
"No no! I can't! What if I break something?" He laughed.
"Well if you're talking about my car, I have hundreds more. If you're talking about your bones, you have hundreds more!" I said. He started to laugh and I handed him the keys. "I'll make sure Anne has 10 seat belts on her, and I'll hang on for dear life you don't crash!" I laughed. He chuckled and took the keys.
"I used to be a professional car racer, thank you very much!" He told me. Wow, that's amazing. I gasped and started to congratulate him. I opened the door again for Anne and I jumped in after while he watched. I think he approved of me. He jumped in and started checking out all the buttons.
"This is nice!" He laughed. He revved up the engine and we were off.

I held her hand secretly and smiled at her while she glared at her father with tears in her eyes. She looked at me while quiet tears fell down her cheek. She smiled and I squeezed her hand.

We got to the house and he unlocked the door. I noticed his hand was pale and trembling. You could see not only his veins, but even his bones. The door opened and he switched the light on. It suddenly smelt of flowers and burnt fire. I let Anne go before me and I followed her in and shutting the door.
"I'm guessing you just want to go to bed?" He asked in a tired voice. I looked at Anne and she nodded. He took us to the bedroom and he shook my hand.
"Please," he whispered so she couldn't hear. "Take care of her. She needs a man like you for the rest of her life." He nodded. Anne walked over and he quickly let go of my hand. She grinned and asked if I was ready for bed. She told her father good night and I followed her to the bed. I took my jeans and shirt off and she got into a night dress from the closet. She closed the door gently and sat at the desk in front of the window. She played this little nursery rhyme in a music box. A fairy twirled around in front of the mirror in the box. I asked what she was doing and she walked over.
"I had this when I was a baby.." She showed me and it was a little fairy dancing to the tune inside. I looked up at her and she had baby tears in her eyes with a non ending smile on her face. She walked over to the desk and gently placed it down while shutting it. She sat down and looked around the room.
"What you doing?" I asked. She turned around to me.
"Just go to sleep, I'm thinking for a bit." She replied. Then I was off. After a long day, I needed a long sleep.

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