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Jinki pulled up to Kibum's house in his modded, matte black 3 series BMW. He got out and walked sluggishly up to the front door. He watched the curtains in the front window, expecting Kibum to peek out at the sound of his car door shutting and then run to the door and greet him with open arms, but this time, he didnt. Luckily, Jinki had his spare house key. He unlocked and opened the door and quietly stepped in. He was greeted by two, excited and barking dogs. One black and one light brown.

"Comme Des-ah~" Jinki chuckled feeling him jump on his thigh as he shut and locked the door behind him, "Wheres your daddy? Hmm? Where?" Jinki took off his shoes and slowly sank to his knees, roughly petting Garcons and Comme Des.

"He's right here." Kibum walked out of his bedroom with his arms crossed. He stood before Jinki in his dark red, thick plush bath robe. His eyes were red and puffy and his face soaked with fresh tears. He smiled a little at the sight before him. Jinki was always so cute with his dogs and he loved it.

"Whats the matter?" He stood up and wiped the dog hair off of his thighs and then looked at Key.  Jinki studied his younger's face. His right eye was noticeably more swollen than the other, along with a large red handprint on his cheek. "Did someone hit you?" He moved closer to Kibum, tilting his head.

"Minho..." He nodded and started crying hard. Jinki had never seen Kibum breakdown like this before. He opened his arms for Kibum to come hug him, but instead he flinched and stepped back.

"Why'd you do that? I'm not trying to hurt you..." Jinki was stunned by the way Kibum reacted to his movements. He'd never been like this before, or atleast he had never noticed it. He started to think about every single moment he and Kibum had shared.

"Sorry..." It sounded like that word was forced out of Kibum's mouth. He turned and hurried to his room. He curled up in a ball under the blanket and waited for Jinki's curiosity make him follow him to his room.

"Kibum?" Jinki peeked his head around the corner of the doorframe. Kibum smiled a little at the fact that he knew Jinki so well, "Do you want me to lay with you?" The younger nodded and lifted up his thin, light grey comforter. Jinki cautiously laid down infront of Kibum and pulled the blankets up to his shoulders. "Are you going to tell me what happened?" Jinki recognized that devastated look on his face that he had only seen once before, when Kibum found out that his Grandma passed away.

"Minho... dumped me and then.." He's voice trailed off as he seemed to get lost in his own thoughts. He sniffled and looked into Jinki's eyes. "He told me I have no talent.. that I'm fat.." Kibum went on for minutes, repeating everything that Minho had said to him, "and then... as he was getting ready to leave, I spoke my mind... and he pushed me against the wall and slapped me as hard as he could." Jinki balled and un-balled his fists, furious that someone would ever degrade and hit his closest friend like that.

"Where is he." Jinki was fuming. He could barely control himself as he stood up. He looked at the younger when he didn't receive a response to his question. "Kibum. Where. Is. He." He  was short with him, his voice stern.

"At Jonghyun's." he spoke in a muted tone, "Jinki please stay here... Don't do anything to him." Kibum begged him, but he was too angry to listen. Jinki rushed to the front door, putting his shoes on. "Jinki don't!"

"I'll be back soon." Jinki hurried out of the door, not bothering to lock it behind him. He glanced back at the house to see Kibum standing in the window with his arms crossed, and a hand over his mouth, slightly shaking his head at the older. He got into his car and sped off, his tires squealing. Kibum was worried for Minho's safety, as he had never, in the 6 years he had known Jinki, seen him this enraged.

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