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The doorbell echoed through Kibum's house. Jinki got up from the couch and answered the door, pulling out the correct amount of money that he needed to pay, including the tip. "Thank you~" He nodded and grabbed the pizza boxes, shutting the door in the delivery mans face. Jinki hurried to the kitchen and opened the pizza box. He put 2 pieces of the Hawaiian on a white porcelain plate and three pieces of pepperoni on the other. Kibum had dozed off while in his dramatics. He was sprawled out on his full sized bed, with dried angry tears on his cheeks.

"Kibum, the food is here~" Jinki smiled a little and picked up both plates, taking them to his younger's room. "Hey," He opened the door and smiled a little at the sight before him, "Wake up, the pizza is here..." Jinki stepped inside and shut the door with his rear.

"Ya....later...." He groaned and turned onto his side, facing away from the door.

"No, not later. Now." Jinki came to Kibum's bedside and put the two plates down, "Get up." He forced the curvy boy to sit up, propping him against the wall.

"Jinkiiii... I don't want tooooooo.." He whined and rubbed his eyes and then looked at his older, taking the plate from him.

"You may not want to, but you need to. Kibum you better finish atleast one full piece of that." He sighed and plopped next to him with his plate full of pepperoni pizza. The younger sighed and rested his head on Jinki's shoulder. He took the smaller piece in his hand and almost gagged at the smell, since his stomach was so empty.

"Do I have to?" Kibum was acting like a kid who was told to eat all of his disgusting vegetables.

"Yes. I'm not going to tell you again." The older was becoming irritated. He stuffed his mouth with the delicious Italian food so he wouldn't have to answer another one of Kibum's ridiculous questions.

"Okay.." He eyed the pizza in his hand and then took a small bite, and then another, and another. Before Kibum knew it, he was almost finished with his second piece.

"It's nice to eat good food again, isn't it?" Jinki rested his head on Kibum's, which was still on his shoulder, as he ate. The smaller boy nodded just slightly and put the crust to the second piece that he had scarfed down and took a few deep breaths, as he started to feel nauseous.

"Jinki...I...I dont feel so good.." He sat up and took a few more breaths and then got up ran to the bathroom. Kibum heaved repeatedly into the toilet, watching the previous contents of his stomach empty into the bowl before him. Jinki sighed and got up, taking the plates to the kitchen and putting them in the sink. The older then got a paper towel and put cold water on it and went to the bathroom. He stood in the hallway, waiting for Kibum to finish. The younger swallowed hard, multiple times, trying to stop his body from the process it was in, and eventually it worked. "Jinkiiiii..." Kibum whined.

"Are you done?" Jinki heard the toilet flush and then peeked inside at the mess that was Kibum. He stepped inside and handed Kibum the paper towel and watched him wipe off his mouth and then throw the paper towel in the trash.

"Can you help me up?" Kibum had instantly become weak and couldn't move his body much, "I need to brush my teeth.."

"Yeah.." Jinki flashed a caring smile and then put his hands just under Kibum's armpits and lifted him up like it was nothing. "I'll just hold you until you're done.. so you don't fall" Jinki moved behind Kibum and put his hands securely on his petite hips, helping help walk to the sink. The younger started to brush his teeth, almost immediately getting rid of the acidy/bitter taste that was left in his mouth. While he was doing so, Jinki had taken one of his hands off of Kibum's hips and started gently rubbing his lower back. It had always amazed Kibum how inadvertently caring Jinki was. The little things that Jinki did, like rubbing his back or playing with his hair, made Kibum feel loved. He knew it was wrong to think of his bestfriend in the way that he did, but it never stopped him.

"Kibum?" Jinki's voice snapped him out of his thoughts, "Are you alright?" He giggled at Kibum's face in the mirror. His jaw was wide open and his toothbrush was still, and pressed against his molars.

"Yeah.." A faint blush rushed onto Kibum's face, "I was just thinking.." He resumed brushing his teeth, and Jinki resumed rubbing his back. The older didn't bother asking Kibum what he was lost in thought about, remembering the night that Kibum has had.

"Why don't you just go to bed, okay? I'll make you a small breakfast in the morning that you can pick at... I wont force you to eat like I did, again." Jinki talked in a quiet, remorseful voice. Kibum finished brushing his teeth and then moved the older's hand off of his hip. He turned around and hugged Jinki tight, clinging to him.

"Thank you." Kibum sniffled and laid his head on his shoulder. Jinki rubbed Kibum's back as he hugged him and nodded a silent 'you're welcome'.

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