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Kibum was in the shower for ages. Jinki didn't know what was taking him so long, but he couldn't hear anything other than running water coming from the bathroom. Finally after about 45 minutes, Kibum entered the room.

"Hey~" He smiled. His hair was still soaking wet, water droplets were trailing down his neck to his collar bones, all to get lost in the plush neckline of the robe he had put on.

"Hi~" Jinki bit his lip, taking in the sight before him while trying to fight off his impending hard on, "You look really sexy like this.." He blushed as those words left his mouth.

"Do I?" He came closer and Jinki sat up, leaning back against the headboard, "Do you wanna fuck me~?" He watched Jinkis face turn from excited to somewhat panicked, and wondered if maybe that was a step too far.

"I mean.. uh-I do, I really do.. but I-I dont know how...I-I've never slept with a guy.." He stumbled through his words, trying to keep calm.

"Jinki, relax okay? Let me show you.." Kibum straddled his older, sitting down in his lap.

"Okay.." He swallowed hard, getting nervous since this was the real deal. He gripped Kibums hips and took a deep breath.

"Do you really want to do this? If you say no, it's okay. If you don't feel comfortable, or if you don't think it's time, I'll stop."

"I want to.. yes, I want to do this.. I'm just nervous.." Jinki nodded and looked at Kibums torso, following the movements of his hands as they slowly untied his robe. He watched as it fell off of the youngers shoulders, exposing the pale smooth skin beneath it. The remaining water droplets ran down the slight curves of his chest until they blended into his skin. He returned his gaze to meet the youngers.

"I know you are Jinki, but if you don't want to do this anymore during it, stop me okay?" He looked into his olders eyes, making sure he understood what he was saying.

"Okay, I will~" Jinki nodded in response as Kibum smiled a little and rested his arms on Jinkis shoulders.

"You're so handsome, Jinki~" Kibum purred and then bit his lip. He reached and opened the bedside table, grabbing a bottle of lube. As Kibum reached over to grab it, Jinki placed his hand on his cock, slowly rubbing the tip with his thumb, "mmn..Jinki, I can't wait to fuck you~" he poured some of the lube into his hand and set the bottle down, sitting up straight again. He adjusted a little as Jinki continued to circle Kibums tip. His cock was already leaking, eager to release.

Kibum had prepped himself in the shower just minutes before, in anticipation, to make sure everything was easy for Jinki since it was his first time. He didn't want to have to make Jinki do all the extra work. All he wanted was to take control and make sure it was the perfect first time.

The younger gripped Jinkis cock and started to rub it, making sure to coat every last bit. He trembled, still sensitive from earlier. "Are you ready?" Kibum looked at Jinki once he was satisfied with the lube placement.

"Yes~" Jinki blushed and nodded, moving one on his hands to Kibums hips and the other to the base of his Cock to help guide him as he sat.

"Fuck.." Kibum put his hands on Jinkis shoulders to stabilize himself, as he took inch by inch, "touch me.." Jinki did as he was told and took his hand off of of his cock and started stroking his short length, "you're so big.." Kibum bit his lip as he sat fully, every inch of Jinkis cock engulfed in his wet heat. He put his hands on the sides of Jinkis neck and locked lips with him, tilting his head and opening his mouth. Once he was adjusted to Jinkis size, he pulled away and slowly started to move his hips, letting out soft moans while giving Jinki that slutty face he loved.

"God, you're so fucking sexy.." Jinki moaned and stroked Kibum in time with his movements. As Jinki got used to the feeling and was encouraged by Kibums moans, his confidence grew.

After a slew of moans and curses, Jinki grabbed Kibums hips and stopped him, "I want more." What that really meant, with full confidence, he was he was ready to take control. The younger nodded and waited for Jinkis next move. Before he knew it, all of Jinkis remaining clothes were off and he was face down in bed with Jinki right behind him.

"Jinki, be gentle at first.." He warned and started quickly stroking himself. Jinki grabbed the base of his cock and slowly re-entered the tight, warm heat. He started off slow, but quickly gained a steady, fast pace. His hands were gripping Kibums hips so hard they would probably be bruised later, but he didn't care.

"Oh, fuck Jinki! Right there!!" Kibum was in the perfect position and so was Jinki. With each thrust his prostate was hit, bringing him closer each time.

"Mmn, yeah! You like that?" Jinkis thrusts became harder as he focused in on his spot.
He let out loud breathy moans, and in response, Kibums got louder and sluttier. He begged for more and Jinki gave him exactly what he was craving. The sounds of skin against skin echoed along with the pleasured moans throughout the house. "Mmmn!! Jinki fuck me!! Oh, fuck! I'm gonna come!"

Jinki remembered that Kibum liked to be called names and degraded, and this was his chance to see how much he really liked it.

"Yeah? Come for me you little slut!" Jinki kept his pace as Kibums breathing became labored and his moans became more desperate than before.

"Oh, Jinki!!" Kibum cried out as he went over the edge, coming hard all over the bed beneath him. The tight pulses Jinki felt from Kibums warm, wet heat, sent him into bliss. His thrusts became quick, messy, and rough as he spilled his seed inside Kibum.

"Mmmn Kibum.. fuck.." Jinkis moans were soft as he slowed down and eventually pulled out. He fell on to his back next to Kibum.

"Come here beautiful~" Jinki broke the silence in between their panting breaths. He laid his arms out and Kibum, with what little energy he had left, crawled on top of him laying his head on his chest. The older rubbed Kibums back and stared at the ceiling, listening to his now-slowing breaths. As he zoned out, his mind led him to the moment that Kibum told him he loved him in more ways than one and he smiled at the thought.

"In more ways than one~" Jinki whispered to himself, forgetting that Kibum could hear him.

"More ways than than one~" Kibum knew instantly what he was talking about, and he thought it was cute that Jinki said that instead of plain old 'I love you'. He moved just enough to look at Jinki.

Jinki gave him a quick peck and just smiled at him, taking in how beautiful the post-sex glow looked on him. "Lets just lay here all day, okay?" The younger nodded and laid his head back down on Jinkis chest.

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