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Jinki stripped after he turned on the shower, waiting for it to get hot. He stared at his reflection in the bathroom mirror. His eyes parked on his now fully erect member.

Would it be wrong to masturbate in Kibums shower? Maybe. Would it be even worse if he thought about Kibum the whole time? Yeah, probably. However, that wasn't going to stop him.

Jinki felt the water to see if it was hot enough. He turned the dial up a few more times before becoming satisfied with the temperature. He stepped in and stood face first in the water, taking a deep breath and closing his eyes. All he could see was the way Kibum looked in that harness. He imagined all the possible ways he would like to see him positioned while wearing it.

He turned around, allowing the scalding hot water run down his back, letting out a small gasp. After standing there for a while, he ran his hand up and down his well sculpted torso, eventually landing it on the base of his angry red cock. He ran his other hand across his collar bones, down to his pecks, stopping to lightly play with one of his hardened nipples.

"Fuck.." he moaned softly as he started gently stroking himself. He tilted his head back slightly, keeping his eyes closed to picture Kibum.

Jinki started to increase the speed of which his hand was moving, making sure to work his thumb over the head of his cock with each motion. He imagined what Kibum might look like with his lips wrapped around his width, taking his full length down his throat, while holding back gag after gag. Those thoughts alone were nearly enough to send him over the edge, but he tried to hold back. Jinki bit down hard on his bottom lip, trying to suppress the moans that were fighting to come out. He pictured what Kibums face could look like as he came and that sent him into pure bliss.

"Oh Fuck!" He cried out, unable to stay quiet any longer as his orgasm washed over his body, "Mmn! Fuck!" He slowed his hand down but kept a steady pace as the pleasure rode through his body in waves.

"Mmm...mmmn.." Jinki stopped his hand completely as he finished. He released his cock from his grip, trembling lightly because he brushed his thumb against the head of his now extremely sensitive member.

Jinki looked around the shower, washing away any remnants from the moments before. He got to work washing his hair, face and body, hoping Kibum didn't hear his moans over the noise of the shower.

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