Chapter Twenty Two: Going, Going...Gone.

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I could have killed Wattpad as my extra long chapter deleted itself: The Premiere Part Two. Anyway...LITTLE MIX WON! OH MY GOD, IM SO HAPPY! They so deserved it! And here is Chalter Twenty Two, wow. Enjoy :)

Ooh, and look up Bronte Thomson on YouTube, she's amazing. She sings, and she has a One Direction cover of Na Na Na. Shes auditioning for X Factor next year!



Miss Horanette

Follow my twitter: @LanaHeartXx



Chapter Twenty Two: Going, Going...Gone.

Louis' POV:

I can't believe I'm saying this...Emilys right, I have to go back to tour. I have to leave her. It breaks my heart.

"Harry?" I sniffed, knocking on his door.

"Oh my god, Lou! Baby, whats wrong?" Harry rushed to the door immediately.

"How did you know I'm upset?" I asked.

"You knocked." he said simply.

"I'm coming back to tour with you." I said quietly. Harry yelled happily.

"Happy occasion, Lou! Whoop, why are you sulking?"

"Emily's not coming." I whispered.

"Oh, Lou, there'll be plenty of other fish in the sea!"

"I don't want another fish!" I wailed. "And FYI Haz, we didn't split up. She's NOT another Eleanor or Hannah."

"Don't worry, Louis, tomorrow you'll be fluttering hearts of millions of girls. Isn't this what you always wanted? To tour, to sell out arenas? You got your wish. Don't throw it all away." Harry was a better comforter than we give credit for.

I took down all the posters she had stuck up in my room. One was of her in her blue hair, fluffing it up and looking plain sexy. I hated the way Niall had taken this perfect girl for granted.

"Louis?" A girls voice said.

"Yeah?" I asked hopefully, wishing it to be Emily.

"It's Shannon," She said.


"Emily's in her room, crying into the pillow. What did you do?" Shannon tapped her foot.

"She's crying?" I said, distraught. "She told me I had to go back to tour. I stupidly agreed." I raked a hand through my hair.

"What about you?" I asked her suddenly. "You'll miss Zayn right? How you gonna keep your relationaship steady?"

"Video chats, calls, texts, email, tweets, letters. Anything." Shannon shrugged.

"We could do that!" I squealed.

"Glad you're happy Lou. Cause it took her everything to say that, you know." Shannon said and walked off.


Emily's POV:

Me, Abi, Taylor, and Shannon came with the boys to the airport. We were extremely late.

"Departure for Doncaster in twenty minutes!" called that annoying sweet voice over the PA system.

"Oh shit, guys, go get your plane!" I ushered.

"We have to say goodbye!" Louis stressed.

"We'll walk you to your plane, Louis," I said quietly. Me and the boys being famous, we were allowed through security. We got outside, just outside the steps of the plane. Taylor burst into tears.

Niall Horan's Love Story {UNEDITED VERSION}Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora