Chapter Twenty Four: You Gave Me a Heart Attack and You Say Hey?!

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Chapter Twenty Four: You Gave Me a Heart Attack and You Say Hey?!


Wow, Abi is something else.

"She single?" I asked Emily, with all the subtlety of a gun.

"Nope," She replied sipping her tea. "She's going out with Harry Styles."

"I'm going to get her a Christmas present," I decided. Emily smirked.

"Oh, she'll love that."

"Hi hi!" Abi bounced in. "I woke up Heather and Fearne."

"I hope Mike isn't coming," She scowls.

"Nope, course not," Abi says. "Can you make me a pancake?"

"Sure," Emily sighs and gets up.

"Thanks, cookie," Abi grins and plops down on the sofa. I've never been Christmas shopping in Doncaster before. I wonder what it's like.

|~Abi's POV~|

I have easily gotten over the shock of Justin Drew Bieber sitting in Heather and Fearne's living room, and within an hour we piled into Heather and Fearne's car to go shopping. I'm just thankful it's not dress shopping again.

"ABI, HARRY TEXTED YOU!" Squealed Shannon, tossing me my phone.

'Miss u Abi. Not as crazy around here without u x Harry'

I grin. Mostly at the cheesiness, but it's still kinda sweet.

"Where first?" Fearne asks as she parks her car. Emily sighs.

"I'm going to get something for Louis in Hollister. You guys can go wherever you want," She smiles.

"Well, I think Abi should go to Jack Wills for Harry, I'll go to a hair product shop for Zayn and Taylor should go to another place for Liam, and we'll all meet back at Hollister." Shannon announces, taking charge. We agree, and Justin wanders off to buy something for his family.

I choose a hoodie and a perfume I see in Jack Wills, pay and leave. That's that sorted, anyhow. I'm hungry. I'm going to buy a carrot.

As I leave the shop, I hear a huge shriek come from Hollister. It sounds like Emily. Running towards the shop, i hear her squeal again, but in a different tone. As I see why, I drop all bags and my jaw drops. No. Freaking. Way.

|~Emilys POV~|

I bought Hollister perfume, a fluffy hoodie and a t-shirt for Louis. I bought another perfume for myself, making my mind up to drown myself in Louis' scent.

"Miss him?" sympathised Fearne with me.

"I'm sure she does," pipes up Evette, the Hollister attendant. I smile at her, she was an old school friend.

"Hey Evette, I'm popping to the back, I wanna get something else," I told her, leaving my stuff on the counter. I walked to the back, the dark shop blurring my vision.

"Wow, I'm so sorry! Exclaimed someone as they bumped into me.

"No, it's my fault," I said, picking myself up.

"E-Emily?" The voice goes into shock. I switch on my phone to see the person. And I scream loudly. It was Louis.

"Hey!" He yelled, and hugged me tightly.

"You gave me a heart attack and you say hey?!" I asked in disbelief, but then tears spilled from my eyes, and I hugged him.

"I missed you!" I said, kissing his lips. He smiles and eyes the perfume in my hands.

"Whatcha doing?"

"Buying a present for you, ironically," I laughed.

"I meant in Doncaster."

"Oh, I have a job here with Justin Beiber," I told him. The light dropped from his eyes.

"You okay?" I asked worriedly.

"You don't l-like him, do you?" He fretted.

"No, of course not!" I wrinkled my nose.

"That's awesome!" he grins. "I've missed you, Emily."

"Where are the boys?" I asked, looking around.

"Jack Wills." He said. I smirked.

"Harry!" I hear Abi bellow in shock. I laughed. When these boys are around, my day immediately gets better.

Sorry it's short, I wanted to update :)

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