Chapter 15

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 So.. here you go! Vote/& Or Comment. You don't have to, but I'd appreciate it. It'll make me atleast feel my writing is worth something >.<


I woke up realizing I had fallen asleep. Dangit. But, I looked up to see Christofer's beautiful face sleeping too. That's when I realized, the position we were in. My head was burried in his chest, and his arms were stratled around my body. Talk about awkward.. but cute. I just sat there for a few minutes, still inside his arms. After awhile I decided I should get up and eat or something. I tried to untangle myself from his arms, but ofcourse, I failed when I saw his eyes flutter open. I sighed as he stretched his long arms and yawned. I couldn't help but laugh lightly. This boy is too adorable, it's unbelievable. I got up from the couch and yawned as I checked my phone. '2 New Texts'. I opened the first one. 'From: Oli - I miss you Jackie! How is Joplin anyway?' I smiled. This is the first I heard from Oli since I left. I missed Oli. I replied: 'Miss yew too Oli! <3 Joplin is pretty cool. Not as bad as I thought it would be. ;3' I hit the send button. I checked my other text message. 'From: Mum - Hey hun. Me, dad, and you're siblings went to go eat. Well be back at five. xo' I didn't even reply, I looked at the clock and saw '4:55', "Shoot" I mumbled under my breath.

"What's wrong?" Chris asked. "Nothing, just that my mom, dad, and brother and sister, are gonna be home anyminute, and I don't want them to get the wrong idea. Considering, it's only me and you here, alone., and my hair is all messy and stuff." I said. He smirked. "Oh, I see what you're saying." Chris said, then winked. I hit him the arm softly. "You perv!" I laughed, and he acted all innocent and said "What? I didn't even say anything!" I rolled my eyes. That's when I heard the doorknob turn. Oh crap. I fixed my hair, as best as I could and pushed Christofer to sit back down on the couch. "Sit there, and act natural." With that, my mom came in with my brother Micheal and my little sister Kayeliin. My dad was the last one to enter. "Daddy!" I rushed to him and hugged him. "Aren't you supposed to be at work?" I asked him. "I took some time off to be with your mother, and you guys. And why weren't- hey, who is this young gentlemen here?" my dad pointed to Christofer.

I gulped. My dad tends to be very strict when there is a guy around me. Christofer swept his bangs to the side, and smiled a nervous smile. "Hello sir, my name is Christofer. Nice to meet you." Chris got up and shook my dad's hand. My dad looked down at his tatoos on his hands. His look got more suspicious and cautious. This is not going to end well.


 Sorry it's short guys! But, I thought I should update, before it got any later.

I might have access to a computer tomorrow. So, I shall update and have a waaaaay longer chapter. Like two or three pages! ;O

So, bare with me guys! Please Comment or something. It makes me happyand encouraged :]

I know, how lame. But whatever -.-

Luff you, beautiful peoples!



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