b a c k g r o u n d

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7 years earlier

It was an ordinary day for everyone who lived in the R.O.S. Everything was peaceful as per usual.

The three creators of the lands sat together in the top story of the SARAGON house. They agreed to meet there because that's were most of the townspeople lived.

The three creators each had a house that they ruled. James Saragon obviously owned SARAGON. He was a young and kind man who would give anything for the people of his house.

Then there was Luke Yax, (pronounced Y- AXE.) He was the ruler of RENEGADES. Smart and very brave, his people lived to train for any battle they faced. His people were courageous like him.

And finally, the only female ruler was Alexa Oulp. She was the creator and ruler of OSTRACIZED. She proved to be the smartest and most cunning of all. Being a ruler of a house of prisoners was no easy job, this is what started their argument.

"You see James, I need more brave men to work as guards for my house. All of the cells are almost full, there have been to many crimes lately. This could lead to a rebellion if not taken care of." Alexa spoke in the voice she usually uses when trying to convince her friends of something.

Luke sat watching James, wondering what he would say. He personally agreed, more guards were needed. But that meant they had to threaten more of the good men that walked the streets to work for them without letting out their secrets.

The other guards that are already helping them volunteered to do it. Things got boring from living in the Land of R.O.S, that he understood.

"But you know that if we threaten more of the people they could get scared and try to rebel." James spoke calmly, resting his chin in the palm of his hand. He was trying to think of an arrangement that all of them would agree to.

"Personally, I think men of Luke's house would be the most prepared for the job." She said, smiling over at Luke. How dare she try to ruin Luke's house? There weren't many RENEGADES left, many of the people's children were sent to live in SARAGON because they weren't cut out for bravery.

"There are not many of my men left, when we hold contests for some of the younger men to get in, they only embarrass themselves with their weakness. We are far more powerful but with few of us left we can't risk it." He said calmly. Alexa frowned.

"Are you saying that the people that don't belong to your house are weak?" She said accusingly. James even picked up what was happening and also looked unhappy.

"It is with great pleasure, that I think we are the only ones who could truly cause any harm. I don't want my men threatened into working for us, it's wrong." Luke said confidently, leaning back into his black, leather chair.

"Surely Luke, you really don't think our houses can't cause harm? What about last week? We put about a dozen teenagers into OSTRACIZED because they were caught making explosives. Don't you understand how dangerous these people can be when they are grouped together?" James finished his rant, but it only made Luke chuckle.

"Making explosives, huh? My people know how to kill in many different ways, they can fight you physically and kill you. They can make about fifteen different types of bombs. They throw knives and practice shoot with guns for two hours each day. My people could take down any of these armed guards with no problem. There aren't many of my people left. Don't you understand that? James? Alexa?" Luke finished harshly, now sitting up against the glass table.

They didn't understand that forcing his people to be guards would only bring his house a bad name. The RENEGADES were the strongest men and women out of the three houses.

"Oh really? Maybe if half of your people weren't in my house for how many crimes they've committed you would have a few more!" Alexa shouted back, feeling offended by Luke's words.

"Surely, some of the people from SARAGON will like to have another competition for your house. I've been watching a young man train for months now." James said, trying to release the tension in the room. And it would've worked, if it wasn't for Alexa.

"Well since he's so sure everyone that haven't been put in his house is weak I don't think we should have another competition." She spat out rudely.

"Maybe we won't be apart of these houses at all then. Neither of you appreciate my people, so why should we help yours?" Luke replied back.

Now this fight was clearly nothing against the people, just the creators. But Luke always felt like his people were being used in a way. Especially by James and Alexa. They always made remarks about how his people behaved.

Well, it was mostly Alexa, but that's because she always wants something from him. Hopefully she's happy now, Luke thought. Now that his people are leaving.

He'll take them to another place, a place that was bigger than the warehouse they had converted. All three of the R.O.S houses where old, giant warehouses. They fixed them up well for the people.

He stood up from his seat angrily and hurried down the stairs.

Townspeople that were in the front of the building watched his curiously, some almost fearfully. Probably because they could see the anger radiating off of him.

He walked fiercely to the center stage in the between SARAGON and OSTRACIZED and stood on the short platform in front of the microphone.

"May I have everyone's attention please?" He spoke calmly.

People on the sidewalks, old and young all stood silently, waiting for him to speak.

"What I am doing is the best thing for the people of my house. You all must understand that." People around him looked scared, knowing something was wrong. Some people watched the commotion from out of their windows.

"RENEGADES house will no longer be apart of the Land of R.O.S." He breathed out. All he could hear was the gasps of the citizens and hushed whispers begin.

'Why?' He heard going around the most. But he knew it was in everyone's best interest that he didn't answer that. He calmly walked off the stage and headed back to his house.

He decided he would lead his people out of the Land and take them somewhere they could be free to live out their days. The youngest in the house was only ten years old. And little did he know, she was not there when the rest of the house left.

Her parents died long ago, and she was out playing behind the RENEGADES building when he announced their departure. But she didn't want to leave, this was her home. She wanted to be great one day.

And that's what she did, one day, she became known as the last Renegade.

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Picture above is the layout of the buildings of the land

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