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"Come on Camila! Cameron's gonna be there too! Even you gotta admit he's smoking hot." Dinah gushed, her head tilted to the side and her eyes looking up at the ceiling dreamily.

"You know I'd rather not watch boys train to be RENEGADES. One day I'm going to tell them myself that they don't stand a chance of getting in. And besides, they only flirt with all the girls because they just wanna get in their pants." Camila replied back to her childhood friend.

She didn't like the idea of watching teenage boys work out. Sweat doesn't appeal to her, or make her want those boys in any physical way. But she couldn't tell anyone that she didn't like boys at all, no one has ever done that, and she was to afraid to be the first.

Dinah merely shrugged her shoulders and headed off with their other friend, Normani. They were both probably heading straight to the gym, not to workout of course.

Camila headed back to her room. She was finally able to move out of her parents apartment and have her own, it was only because she was sixteen though, she lived right next door to them.

Most of the apartments in the warehouse were small, just a one person bed and bath. But some were bigger, and they were reserved for when people had started their families.

Camila was content with her little home. Just a full sized bed with a closet and a bathroom was all she could ask for. Now she wouldn't have to worry about her parents being around when she wanted to write in her diary, or occasionally have a good cry from a stressful day.

The young girl sighed and flopped down on the bed. She kept think about the mystery girl that was spotted again last night on top of the RENEGADES house. Camila longed to see the girl for herself.

She'd heard so many myths and legends about the girl for the past few years. Rumor has it, she only comes out at night, since no one was really allowed out after dark. But the few people that did get out, either got caught and throw into the jail, or they somehow managed to get back into their SARAGON home.

Camila wanted to know everything about the girl. She didn't know why, but something made her attracted to her. Maybe it's because she was a mystery, or the fact that she was a dreamy RENEGADE. Camila didn't know for sure, but she wanted more information.

She decided to walk down to the library where there was many books that were either recovered from around the planet, or recently written by ones of the townspeople.

As Camila walked down the hallway towards the library, she stared at her shoes and wondered what it would be like to have someone that was head over heels for her, with her feeling the same way back.

She shook the idiotic thoughts from her head and continued to follow the red carpet. Then, she pushed open the heavy wood doors to the library.

Some old folks sat around inside, talking lowly as not to disturb the others, or reading old looking novels. Camila walked over to the 'History' section, hoping there would be something recent that would tell more about the mystery girl.

Her fingers danced across the spines of the books, most of them looking old and antique. But she soon found one that looked somewhat new. She flipped open the cover and found that it was written about eight years ago, that was before the RENEGADES even left.

She flipped it open anyways, maybe she could find the names of the everyone that once a RENEGADE. Inside, however, the most she found was about how each of the houses were formed, how they plan to restore the human race, and why they were so important. Camila didn't really care about any of this, so she closed the book with a snap and placed it back on the shelf.

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