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For a second Camila thought this was some sort of trick her brain was playing on her to settle her down from the encounter that happened a few minutes ago. And she would've believed it, if the girl hadn't come up to her and stroked her face.

Camila didn't realize how disoriented she was until now, she was lying on her side at the edge of the building and breathing like she dying.

The girl in the mask picked her up easily, as if she had done it before and carried her down one flight of stairs, two flights of stairs, then three flights of stairs. She took Camila into the bedroom that was hers and set her down gently on the bed.

Camila was out cold by the time they'd reached the  third floor. The masked girl had heard her when she entered the building, and she watched her intently the entire time.

What she didn't expect, was for the younger girl to throw a knife at her so well. If it wasn't for her cat-like reflexes, she probably would've had a knife stuck in her neck.

Anyways, as she watched the small brunette sleep, she wondered what she was so drawn into to come here. The building had been standing by itself for the past seven years. It was her home, her empire. She owned the place, since rightfully she was the last original renegade.

The other RENEGADES that had left have probably been killed by now. It wasn't very safe outside of the fencing. She knew because she's been out there before, running in the woods and trying to decide if she should stay or go.

But she stayed at the RENEGADES building because it's the only place she knew. She had everything she needed, and a big warehouse for herself.

She decided to continue what she needed to do that night, and left the little girl to sleep.


When Camila woke up a few hours later, she was surprised to find herself still in the RENEGADES house. She was in a room too, and although she had passed out last night, she remembered everything up until that moment.

Camila had met her, the mystery girl. She was the one that had carried her down to this room and left her sleep. She felt the need to thank the girl. But also use it as an excuse to find her again.

But when she walked out of the room and saw that it was light outside and people were going out of the SARAGON house, she knew she couldn't stay here long and had to go back.

Camila took the stairs down to the bottom floor and crawled out of the square cut out hole. She checked to make sure no one had seen her, before running back to her house.

Little did she know, the masked girl watched her leave. She hoped that the girl would one day come back.


"Mila! Where have you been? I went to look for you earlier but you weren't in your room." Dinah said as she walked beside Camila.

"Listen Dinah, I have a lot to tell you. But we can't do it down here, come on." Camila replied and she grabbed her friends hand and took her up to her room.

She glanced at Dinah who was waiting for an explanation.

"So I snuck out last night..." Camila began and Dinah's eyes widen.

"You think your pregnant, aren't you?" Dinah said seriously and Camila would've laughed if she wasn't joking around.

"No Dinah, I snuck out and went into the RENEGADES house."

Chasing Renegades (Camren)Where stories live. Discover now