t h r e e

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25, June, 2988

Dear Diary, as far as today went, everything is great. I met some people surprisingly. Their names were James and Alexa. Quite friendly people honestly, they are just like me too, doing anything to survive out here in the wild. But, they took me to a run down warehouse that hasn't been used since the human population was almost entirely wiped out. We plan to fix it up, and make it live able for other humans to live there too. We want to help the population grow again, and bring families together. I guess it's just a dream for now, but maybe one day we can have it ready and things will almost be normal again.

Luke Yax

He clearly had all of this planned for a while now. Camila wondered how the creators made their dream come true. Did they have lots of stop signs in their paths? Had they ever wanted to give up and go back to what was normal for them? How did they even survive out there? So many questions, and many of them could be answered with the diary she held in her hands. But Camila had another mystery to solve. The last Renegade lived in the building next to her and no one knew about it except for her and her friends.
Camila awoke the next morning feeling energized and excited. She had lots of evidence to study. The diary was the main tool. It wouldn't be much use, but perhaps it would provide information about the fight the creators were in, and where they went.

She continued to read the diary, but it wasn't anything that would help them or give any clues about what happened. Luke hasn't even mentioned James and Alexa for a while, so she closes the book and heads down to the lobby in hopes of finding her friends.

A representative for James Saragon was talking to an elderly couple sitting by the doors. Camila wondered what he was doing there but didn't question it. James had this man lined up to take his spot when he died years ago, and he always sent someone to check in occasionally. She walked down the hallway that Dinah stayed in and knocked on her door.

The tall blonde opened the door and smiled when she saw her friend. "Mila! You need to come in here for a second, I have something to tell you." She pulled Camila's arm and rushed her inside.

"So did you see George? James representative?" She asked in a rush. Camila took a second to process the question she could feel the anxiety on Dinah's face She then replied, "Yeah, he was um talking to a couple in the lobby. Why? Do you know why he's here?"

Dinah slowly nodded, "Mom said he's here to give the house a warning later, we don't know for sure what it's about. But, I bet it's bad. Three boys were convicted this morning for sneaking out and trying to hop the fence. They got sent to Ostracized for 8 months."

"Oh no," Camila breathed heavily, "we're gonna have to be more careful, there's gonna be more guards out now."

"You're going to have to be more careful, I know we can't stop you from going over there. But, if I get caught, my mom will kill me! And I need to keep my records clean if I want to start working for the government in a few years." Dinah looked stressed out. "Look, it'll be fine for all of us to sneak out again soon, just give it some time to slow down again so the guards aren't on edge."

"But I don't want to wait that long, Dinah, I hate staying cooped up in this little town where nothing interesting ever happens except kids getting sent to jail. I want to figure out who this girl is and have my own story for once." Camila felt a little awkward telling her friend something so deep, but she knew Dinah would understand. This whole adventure was about her wanting to get a taste of adrenaline, and possibly making a new friend.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 01, 2019 ⏰

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