Chapter 27

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Scarlett's POV:

Caleb, I stopped dead in my tracks. After the crash I only remembered Caleb being my boyfriend, how stupid. A few weeks on and memories, flashbacks, then everything all at once came flooding to me and suddenly I remembered him and the horrible things he put me through. Harry promised me I'd never see Caleb again, how wrong was he. I didn't dare look up. I new it was him, his presence alone made my skin crawl. 

"Come back for me have we Scarlett?" He snickered. The sound of my name leaving his lips made me shiver. 

"What are you doing here Caleb?" I said confidently, i knew that's what he wanted; for me to be utterly afraid. Well he could think again. I'd gone through enough shit without him fucking it all up again. 

"Free world isn't it, though what are the chances of me bumping into you here? I'd of thought your prick of a boyfriend would have you by his side." He laughed cunningly at his reference to Harry.

"He is here, so back the hell of before he beats the crap out of you. Again." I laughed before pushing past his shoulder towards the stairs back to Harry. I didn't get far before he grabbed my wrist, yanking me back into the empty girls bathrooms pushing me up against a wall fiercly. My back slammed against the cold tile wall as he trapped my arms above my head, the claustrophobia made my heart race and my plams sweat, I was no longer confident, the thought of him hitting me or even touching me made me feel sick. His eye's held a menacing look as he glared intently at me.

"Let me fucking go. Harry will be down any second and..." I was cut of by him pressing his free hand over my mouth.

"Let him fucking find us, I'm finishing of what I started" He snarled. As soon as his hand left my mouth I began screaming and attempting to fight back. Caleb was to strong though as he forcefully pinned me back to the wall. 

"Stop being such a difficult bitch and be quiet, people will get suspicious. We don't want that now do we?" He murmmered before slamming his lips to mine, I didn't retaliate I just kept pushing against his chest in the hope he would let go. 

"I'll show you how a real man does it." He whispered in my ear before grabbing the zipper of my skirt and pulling it down slowly. This was too much I kept fighting back, hitting him, kicking him anything but it was no use. Tears spilled over as the reality of what was about to happen kicked in. It was happening again, and I'm too weak to fight against him. Im just a weak, scared little girl. Just as I was about to give up the door of the bathroom flung open and a small blonde girl came in, her eye's widening at the sight of me fighting Caleb as he basically attempted to rape me.

"Help me, please." I stuttered. Before Caleb bashed my head back into the tiled wall. Fuck, that hurt! One minute she was there the next not, the door slammed shut as she ran out obviously thinking she'd walked in on a drunken hook up in a bathroom. A wimper left my throat as Caleb continued to lift my skirt up to my thighs, this was it he'd get his way...

Harry's POV:

It had been a good 10 minutes since Scarlett had left for the bathroom. Girls always took a while in the bathroom, i knew that, but surely not this long. Tonight had been perfect, everything about it. Seeing Scarlett so happy made me smile. Just as i was about to go and look for Scar so we could leave a small blonde girl ran up the stairs leading from the bathroom her eye's frantic. 

"Someone please help, t-h-he girl in the bathroom" I slammed my chair back it toppling on the floor in the process, by this point the whole resteraunt was quiet, i ran to the blonde girl demanding more information of her.

"She asked me to help her, the boy he was kissing her she was screaming and fighting i-i-i..." I didn't need anymore explanation, pushing past her i ran down the spiral stairs towards the girls bathroom. I slammed the door open, to see Caleb pressing Scarlett up against the wall trying to take her top of as she cried, pushing her tiny fists into his chest, i was past angry now. I stormed up to him grabbing the neck of his shirt and for the second time began beating the shit out of him...

Scarlett's POV:

I'd given up all hope, i was weak and defensless. That was until i heard the door forcefully slam open and a curly haired boy step through. My eye's brimmed with fresh tears of relief as a raging Harry pulled Caleb of me. Sinking to the floor and pulling my knees to my chest I watched as Harry began beating Caleb, the memories of that night now even more vivid. But this time there was no Ben or anybody to pull him of Caleb he would beat him, beat him until he was content. As much as I wanted to see Harry give Caleb what he deserved, I couldn't loose Harry over this, not a chance. Slowly i stood up walking over to Harry where he was kicking Caleb in the stomach repeatedly I pulled at his arm trying to get his attention.

"Harry! Stop please! Your going to kill him just stop!" I spoke forcefully.

"Scarlett! Stay the hell away from this!"  Harry shouted spinning around and pushing me backwards with more force than intended, surprised, I tripped backwards falling flat on my bum. His features went from raging anger to guilt in a flash. I should of been mad at  him for pushing me over but it did get his attention away from Caleb who I saw out the corner of my eye heave himself up of the floor as fast as he could and limp out of the bathroom. Suddenly Harry engulfed me in his arms, where my body instantly relaxed and the crying started again.

"Sh, baby, it's alright he's gone. I'm so sorry" Harry muttered keeping me tight in his grip. I didn't care about Caleb or anything at that moment as long as Harry was with me.

End Notes:

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