Chapter 29

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Scarlett’s POV:

"Move in with me Scar...?" The words left Harry's lips and before I could even comprehend what he was saying I agreed.

"Yes, yes, a thousand times yes" I spoke, maybe this was all too fast but I really could not care less as long as I had Harry with me, everything was ok. Harry's dimpled grin appeared as he brought me into a long kiss; as soon as his soft lips pressed to mine I looped my arms around his neck pulling him into a deeper, more lasting kiss. One of Harry's hands tangled in my hair the other rested on my waist as he pulled me prominently closer to him. The car began to heat up from our hot, deep breathes, as I began slipping further into euphoria, to a place where only Harry's touch and kiss could take me. 

"Maybe we should leave the car now…" Harry mumbled against my neck as he peppered small lasting kisses against my skin. I nodded giggling slightly at the tickle Harry was causing against my skin. Since I’d been with Harry before and after the crash I’d discovered what it was really like to be with someone who loved you as much you loved them. Being with Harry was a whole different thing compared to Caleb's violent actions. I'd never experienced somebody handle me with such care; as if I was glass that would break at any second. I knew I’d never really want anybody other than Harry, the Harry who spent weeks by my hospital bed, the Harry who protected me from everything, the Harry that moved halfway across the globe just so he could be with me, nobody compared to him. 

I brought Harry's face back to mine, looking into his beautiful eyes and bringing his soft lips back to mine, and I don’t think I’d ever get used to his blissful kiss. Suddenly Harry carefully gripped my waist and lifted me over to his side so I was on his lap my legs at either side of his body. His hand trailed up and down my back slowly making me shiver at his delicate touch. He opened his door, the cold air hitting me as he lifted us both out of the car; he wrapped my legs around his waist carrying me back to the apartment.  I knew at that moment I wanted Harry, more than anything, I didn't really remember our first time together so this moment felt just as special to me. 

"Do you want me Harry?" I mumbled hoping he'd catch on. He smiled slightly as he laid me on the bed.

"Scarlett, I’ve wanted you forever." he bent down to kiss me softly.

"Then make love to me Harry" I muttered, he gave me a quizzical look, before a small smirk spread on his face, I gripped my hand around the back of his head guiding his mouth back to mine.

"Anything for you baby" He spoke before preparing to make love to me for the second time...

*a week later* 

Harry's POV: 

It had been a week since I’d asked Scarlett to move in with me. And we were currently at her apartment half-way through packing all of her belongings into brown cardboard boxes.

“Do you need any help with those?” I asked cheekily raising my eyebrows. Turning her head towards me then back to the red lace underwear she held in her hand. Her eyes widened with embarrassment as she shoved them into the suitcase. Her cheeks flushed a shade of rosy pink as she attempted to hide her face under her brunette hair.

“No.” she shot back at me quickly, probably wanting to shut me up…not a chance!

“Why not baby, don’t be embarrassed. You look pretty sexy in them anyways, but you look even better without.” I teased her walking over behind her and whispering the last part on her neck making goosebumps appear. I grabbed her by the waist and started placing soft kisses onto her neck, pulling her baggy jumper down her shoulder slightly. I continued placing wet kisses onto her soft skin.

“Harry” she breathed.

“What baby?” I questioned her playfully.

“Not now, please I’m trying to pack and then we can get to the house quicker.” she said quickly and almost embarrassed, was she suggesting that…wait!

“Ok, I'm going to make coffee” I said backing away from her towards the kitchen to make us our steaming hot cups of coffee. Well that escalated quickly. I’m a 19 year old boy though, what do you expect? After making the coffee I brought them back up to Scarlett's room which we were nearly half way through packing. She smiled as I handed her the drink and kissed her forehead, she took a sip before carrying on folding her clothes.

I moved over to her shelf packing the books stacking neatly along, into a box. Just as I was nearly done I came across our yearbook, I smiled, high school felt like a lifetime ago now. Pictures fluttered to the ground as I opened the first page, sighing I picked them up before flicking through the range of pictures absently. Each one brought back a dozen memories; I smiled as I came across my favourite picture of me and Scarlett that I hadn't seen in forever. It was of us at a party on the beach, I had lifted her into my arms her legs wrapped around my waist as she hugged me tightly. Her head was tilted back in laughter as I smiled cheesily at her; my eyes full of admiration. I smiled at the memory.

"What are you smiling at pretty boy" Scarlett said, the term pretty boy making me laugh.

"Pretty boy?" I questioned, she shrugged smirking at her comment.

"Can I keep this picture?" I asked hoping she'd say yes. She walked over taking the picture from my hands, a smile tugged at her lips as she, I assumed, thought back to the memory too.

"I forgot about that picture. Yeah I guess you can keep it, I have plenty of us anyways" She spoke before handing me back the picture. I smiled making a mental note to get a frame for the picture before slipping into my back pocket. 

A few hours later and we had basically finished packing all of Scarlett's belongings. I sat on the sofa as she spoke to her Dad who was arranging cancelling the rent for the rest of the year and the removal of all the furniture, seen as she wouldn't need it anymore. A few minutes later she sat down next to me cuddling into my side; sighing in contentment I wrapped my arms around her, kissing her temple gently.

"One final take-out and movie night here then?" I spoke quietly.

"Of course though I’ll be a little sad to leave this place" She trailed of as we both looked around at the room scattered with boxes but basically empty.  

"Me too, but I’ll be even happier waking up to you every morning" I muttered as she turned her face to look at me. 

"So cheesy Harry" She joked, I smirked laying her down on the sofa and hovering over her body. She blushed slightly as a trailed my hand up her thigh. Smiling she looped her hands round my neck pulling me in for a kiss. I trailed my tongue on the bottom of her lip, savouring the lingering kiss. 

"Pizza or Chinese then?" I said smiling against her lips. 

"Pizza, always pizza" She replied laughing.

End Notes:

Hope you enjoyed this chapter and continue reading our story. Thank you all for reading and remember to vote/share/comment, we love reading what you think of the story. Love you all so much.  -H xxx

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