Christmas Eve

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So its Christmas eve and the girls are sound asleep and will be now until 4 tomorrow morning so it’s a bit of Danny and Jessie time witch im more than Happy with the curtains are drawn and the doors are locked because we know how much our family like to walk in and they have a key so we put a key in the other side so we could cuddle, im sat here in Danny’s arms whilst strokes my hair and we are watching Christmas films im sat here reflecting on what’s happened in the last year and a half I have the man of my dreams and we have the most beautiful little girls anyone could ask for and both our families are so very supportive in us Danny is the best Dad and is the best fiancé I could ask for well husband in under a month, I'm brought out of my thoughts by Danny speaking to me with his spine chilling ascent it gets me every time he speaks to me I truly love this man with every hair on me. 

Danny: What are you thinking of beautiful?

Jessie: oh just how much my life has changed in the past year…handsome man two beautiful children with him, life has tested us but we have always stuck together through everything and you never let me down and I hope I don’t let you down everything I do is to try and make you and the girls happy I hope I succeed in that?

Danny: Jess baby look at me, you do nothing but make me happy and as for the girls I will speak for them they love you and I love you more than anything yes life’s tested us and yes we’ve held each other’s hand through everything and every time something has tried to kick our wall down we built it stronger, so baby listen to me I love you and don’t ever forget that angel ok?you and the girls are my life and Jess you know I’d give my life for you.

Jessie: well I'm glad, because I love you more than anything and I would give my life to save you and you know it so baby don’t ever stop holding my hand because we are together forever baby.

Danny: well I will never let go of your hand Angel if anything my grip will get even tighter if that’s even possible because it the minute I'm nearly breaking your fingers I love you gorgeous.

Jessie: I love you too kiss me?

Danny:  pleasure

We kiss passionately and things start to get heated really heated so I pull away even though I want him so badly right now its killing me inside to have to pull away from the man I would die for the man I would jump in front of a truck to save the father of my beautiful children, when I pall away you see the hurt and want in his eye’s.

Danny: baby don’t do this to me now, I need you please?

Jessie: baby I want you so badly right now and I would but what about the girls?

Danny: baby they are 5 and a half months old they are asleep and wont know what’s going on baby please don’t make that stop me making love to you, baby that’s what I want the girl I love by my side I want to show you how much love you…please angel they don’t even understand so baby come on?

Jessie: Baby I cant even resist your right now I need you but shut there door and when we get to ours lock it and lets go I want to show you how much I love you.

With that said Danny picks me up and we continue our passionate kiss up the stairs not breaking the kiss we shut the girls door and head down the hall to our room danny shuts and locks the door as then he puts me down and takes of my top and I do the same to him, then I pall him closer to me by the belt and un do it not breaking the kiss he palls off my black leggings and I pall off his black skinny jeans we are left standing in our underwear until Danny takes of my bra and I play with the waist band of his boxers and he just rips off my knickers and the we are both nude and I get pushed on the bed along with Danny and we get under the covers and Danny gets on top and kisses down my neck and soon enough I'm so in need of him now that I'm shouting his name and he then smiles at me and he gives in and thrusts in and out of me both of us screaming each other’s names and after half hour of love making we stop and kiss both warn out and we smile at each other and I kiss Danny on the lips as my way of telling him that that was amazing and we lie their taking in our passionate kiss as its only 7.30 we are just cuddling when my phone vibrates….Holly.i open the text and oh my god..

Message from Holly:

Finally decided to be quite then Harry is trying to sleep…..don’t scream each other’s name so loud next time;) gees guys had I nice time I hear Glen said he didn’t know there was porn on the radio lolJxxxxxxxxx

Before I reply I'm so embarrassed not that Holly heard that Glen did as well I turn over to face Danny and he looks at me as if to say ‘well tell me then’.

Jessie: oh my god what do we do read this?

Dan takes my phone and his face changes expression I think the opposite way to me I cant believe his best friend heard and he can’t believe my best friend heard.

Danny: lie say we arnt even in?

Jessie’; but Dan its obvious mine and your cars are outside

Danny: mines not though its still around Kyle and Clairs remember

Jessie: oh yeah okay I will try it because if not Christmas day will be extremely awkward tomorrow

Reply to Holly:

Wait what we aren’t even at home me and Dan took the girls to get pictures with Santa down at the mall?xxxxxxxx

Jessie: they will ask for the pictures tomorrow so dan I think that’s where we are going now we will have to sneak round the back and take my car deal?

Danny: true I kindda wanted to take them anyway

Jessie: ok lets have a shower first

Danny: right lets go then missy

Jessie: ok quick then

Me and Dan get in the shower together and we have a quick one before getting out quick bit of makeup get changed and put beanies on and get the girls in their car seats after checking that the coast is clear witch it is because there curtains are shut so we quietly set off and head to the mall witch is like 45 minutes away from our new house me and Dan laugh at the fact that we were that loud and I tried to be quite as well just makes me wonder how loud I normally am..after the chatting for 45 minutes we arrive and we get the pram out covering the girls up because the paps have clocked us and we walk quickly with our heads down and wait to go into Santa’s grotto and we do wait 15 minutes and we get to Santa and hand the girls to him taking pictures with them and me and Dan sit on Santa’s lap with the girls and get a picture with him he gives the girls a teddy not that they pay any attention but yeah the Santa recognises us so we sign some things and head home again and put the girls back to bed and then me and Dan head to bed as its going to be a really long day tomorrow and everyone is coming round and everyone is brining there presents here so we can all open them together and that is going to be the biggest mess ever but hey its Christmas so me and Dan get undressed and lie down in our bed hugging each other in our normal positions and fall deeply into sleep.

Hey guys hope you enjoy love you all coment inbox me?

It takes two to make love work a Jessie J and Danny O'donoghue fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now