Name Me?

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We were still sat here in utter silence all we could hear was the beeping of Hannah's heart machine. That's what was keeping us going I think, Jess and Rachel hadn't moved from Hannah's side since we got here, it wasn't even 11 yet so Hannah's actual treatment hadn't started yet, she was just on low drugs at the moment, she seemed to have gone a bit more of a normal colour now from when we first got here, I know Jess and Rachel being there was lifting her promise more than anything. I could see pure fear in Jessie's eyes as much as she tried to hide it I know her inside out so knew exactly what she had in her eyes, fear,worry,hope,sadness,gloominess, all that include see with just her turning to look at me once I gave her my weak smile, and I could tell she knew it was only weak as she did the same. So many nurses and doctors were coming in and out the room checking on Hannah and bringing us read and coffee they were so sweet here, I know Jess made the right mode in moving Hannah here. Jessie's heart of gold shone through all the time she always has that sparkle in her eye and always a smile on her face wether it's fake or not, but today I dunno...ok her heart still shone but the twinkle in her and the smile on her face had faded like she had kind if lost hope. That's not something Jessie would normally do but I know she's tired and I know she's scared, I also know this will continue until Hannah is told she had the all clear. Jess is that kind of person that can't push that to the back of her mind it will always linger until it's either solved or not there anymore. The silence is broken by my phone going off indicating I had a text Jess had been going off all morning not that she looked at it, but I looked at it, it was from Glen.

Message From Glen:

Hey man just to let you know our daughter was born this morning, don't worry Clair has the twins. She's beautiful spitting image of Hol, born 8.23 this morning 5.1oz We couldn't get hold of Jess and we didn't ring you earlier as we knew you were busy. Both mummy and baby are happy and healthy, send our regards to ya man xx

I smile at this text this is one I have to tell the room about I knew it would lift there spirits.

Danny: hey guys..

Jessie: yeah babe...

Danny: I just got a text off Glen...

Jessie; is it the girls! Are they ok! Has something happened! Are they I'll!oh god what's wrong!

Danny: woah Jess woah, calm down the girls are happy and with Clair.

Jessie: with Clair I Know she was there but I thought Holly and Glen had them?

Danny: let me finish Jess, the reason Clair has them is because this morning Holly and Glen had there baby this Morning. 

Jessie: oh my god, and we wernt even there what is it?

Danny: little girl  happy and healthy Holly's fine, she was born at 8.23 this morning and weighs 5.1oz 

Jessie: oh wow I have to ring her 

Hannah: wow that brilliant 

Rachel: glad they are both healthy 

Rose: and me 

Steven: I really thought she'd have another boy 

(Phone call) on speaker

Holly: alright babe

Jessie; yeah and you, how's little one 

Holly: she's great sleeping

Jessie; name me...

Holly; Jessica 

Jessie; fucking funny one I didn't mean name me I meant name buba 

Holly. We are tied between three

Jessie: the three being ?

Holly: Kylie, Chloe or Lily 

Jessie: we will have a vote here, Han which one 

Hannah: Lily 

Jessie: Dad?

Steven: Chloe

Jessie: mum?

Rose: Lily

Jessie: Dan?

Danny: Lily 

Jessie: Rach?

Rachel; Kylie 

Holly: well it seems she's called Lily then 

Jessie: hey I didn't vote 

Holly: oh sorry go on then?

Jessie: yeah I was gunna say Lily....I felt left out 

Holly: so Lily it is 

Jessie: middle name 

Holly: well we haven't decided 

Jessie: hey your name is in Rosie's 

Holly: fine then Lily Jessica Clair Power and if we have any more I'm sure Hannah and Rachel will be in there I don't think it would sound right as Lily Jessica Clair Hannah Rachel Power

Hannah: I will hold you to that 

Holly: deal, how you holdin up Han?

Hannah: yeah I'm good but that lifted my spirits a bit 

Holly: I am glad

Rachel: when you aloud home?

Holly: tomorrow 

Jessie: has Clair got all of them as in the girls Harry and hers?

Holly; no my brother has Harry and Clair's mum has Mason 

Jessie: why only mason 

Holly: you know how attached Clair is to maize after what happened 

Jessie: bless her so as far as you know the girls were ok

Holly: yeah me and Glen had them last night and yesterday Uncle Glen to the girls and Harry shopping got some new toys and some cool pajamas that they are excited to show you 

Jessie: thanks Hol, thank Glen 

Holly: he loved having them 

Jessie: good you now got a girl them mr

Glen: I'm excited to get home 

Jessie: well after were done here I'll come get he girls of Clair are they at yours still

Holly: yeah Clair said what's the point in moving when whatever the girls need is next door anyway 

Jessie: fair play 

Holly: well I'm gunna go because I'm tired 

Jessie: I bet call me if you need anything I'm only up the road 

Holly: I thought you was in the same hospital

Jessie: no we went private did I not tell you, a lot on my mind sorry Hol, if that was the case I'd be down there because Hannah's treatment don't start till 11 

Hannah: you can go see baby if you want I have these goons 

Jessie: no I promise, anyway bye Hol have a nice sleep bye Glen 

Holly: bye babe good lunch Han I'm rooting for ya

Hannah: thanks Hol, bye 

Glen; bye

(End call) 


Yeah my minds all over the place sorry...

might update later for not upating yesterday I was ill...sorry



It takes two to make love work a Jessie J and Danny O'donoghue fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now