Not feeling well..

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The week is now up and me an Dan are Hand in hand walking the through airport we've been through customs and stuff so we are just walking to the quite lounge because we have to wait another 3 hours because it delayed we paid for a room in the corridor for the quite lounge it like rows of rooms and we paid for one it had a bed so me and Dan can sleep for a while,we get in and kick our shoes off and get in bed in our clothes because there is no point in undressing Danny gets in first and palls me down onto him I smile and kiss him and rolling over so I'm sprawled on his chest so he's grazing up and down my back like normal and I fall asleep into him and I dont even think Danny will sleep because he hasn't really been feeling well and I tried to stay up with him but when Danny does re tickle thing that's it I'm gone... I'm woken up to Danny shaking me and trying to wake me up and I sit up and look at him sympathetically because he really does look ill his cheeks are red and that's a rare thing for him I lean my head into his chest and kiss it before slipping out and gently palling on Danny's hand and kissing his lips grabbing our shoes and my handbag  because are cases have gone through.

Danny: come in sweat hear we have to board

Jessie: I know babe, you look ill do you want us to stay another night so your not ill for the flight and you don't have to be ill on there for 5 hours indont like seeing you I'll

Danny: no baby we want to go home and Get Rosie and Shaya back I have a headache and I feel sick I will be ok are my Glasses in your bag or did we pack them?

Jessie: I know we want them back babe but if your I'll on the plane we can't get you air.

Danny: I know but I know your missing them as much as I am I can't not have them for another day a week is more than enough

Jessie: I know babe are you sure?

Danny: yes sweat heart, and are they in your bag babe my head hurts

Jessie: I think they are babe do you want paracetamols have water in my bag as well babe just to ease it off a bit

Danny: ok babe we have to be quick though because we have to board

Jessie: ok here take these here's water and I will clean your glasses whilst you do that ok

Danny: thank you darlin

I pass him the tablets and the water before digging in my bag and finding Danny's glasses and clearing the screen with my t-shirt and placing them on his head whilst he takes his tablets.

Danny: thank you gorgeous

Jessie: no problem baby just say now if you want us to sleep another night until your better I'm sure Rach will have the girls another night

Danny: baby seriously I have to go home I just think it's the heat and humidity getting to me now come on sweet heart so you can sleep on the plane with me

Jessie: come on the handsome.

We once again go hand in hand as we walk up the Plane stairs and into the empty First class bit witch we are both Happy that its empty because I know Danny really cant deal with loud noise when he’s ill because when he gets migraines he gets them really bad he goes Dizzy and Feels sick, I almost know as a fact when we get home He will say hello to the girls kiss them and go to bed because he really doesn’t look well to be honest he looks like he’s going to faint, we sit in our seats and I lift the arm rest up and instead of me leaning on him I gesture for him to lean on me witch he happily does and he puts his head in my neck and his arms around me as I play with his hair to settle him a little the last thing I want now is to have turbulent’s because 1 it will scare me and 2 it really will unsettle his stomach. Luckily ive rang my Dad and he’s dropped my car at the airport and He’s put Rosie and Shayas car seats in there and all we have to do is go pick them up thank Rachel and Get Dan and the Girls home for bed we were going to all go round to my mums as we will get back to heathrow at around 5.30 everyone else will still go to my mums like Holly and Clair and that But Danny isn’t well enough and even if he objects to not going we are not going because I know it will make him worse than he already is.I'm brought out of my thoughts by Danny.

Danny: I feel sick..

I jump up and drag him off of me and I help him over to the bathroom and rub his back he’s sick and then he drinks water and looks at me I give him the sympathetic look I hug him lightly because I don’t want to make him feel worse.

Danny: I'm sorry

Jessie: don’t be stupid Dan that’s why I'm here that’s why I love you because your you with me you don’t act

Danny: I love you, I would kiss you right now but you don’t really like sick breath

Jessie: you just drank water its fine kiss me

Danny: give me one of your chewing gums and I will

Jessie: come on then

I grab his hand and lead him back to the seats we are sat in give him a chewing gum and he kisses me I smile and he goes back to his position lying on me with his face in my neck.

Danny: ugh..i feel terrible Jess can I have anymore tablets yet

Jessie: I know you do baby, I wish I could help you but no you have another 3 hours till you can have anymore

Danny: my stomach and head are killing, baby?

Jessie: I know baby, and yeah?

Danny: can you play with my hair and I need my glasses but they keep going steamy

Jessie: of course I can and I might have that spray in my bag for them so they don’t go steamy pass them here.

He passes me his Glasses and I take them and get his spray out of my bag and squirt it on the lenses and rub it in so its not smeary and place them on his face again.

Danny: Thank you baby

Jessie: its ok handsome, would you like some more water

Danny: err yes please then can you play with my hair?

Jessie: of course

I hand Danny my water and he takes some before handing it back and cuddling into me again and I play with his hair and its so funny because you know when babies are sleeping there hand grips onto something like Rosie and Shaya do Danny does it to he’s griping onto my top and I kiss his forehead and realise he’s got a really high temperature I pall his top up a little to get some cool in and he doesn’t even stir as I put the overhead fan on and I lean my head in his and we fall asleep as we have another 3 and a half hours left on the plane.



It takes two to make love work a Jessie J and Danny O'donoghue fanfictionWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt