Plane flights scare me..

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After a very emotional time of saying goodbye to Rosie and Shaya me and Danny reluctantly get in my mum and Dads car as they drive us to the airport the ride is an hour in the car and me and Danny are cuddled in the back you may call me over protective but I already text Hannah again and again but she’s not replying to me now guess she thinks that too I'm a mum now as well as a wife sister daughter and best friend I have so many rolls but being a mum and a wife to Danny Rosie and Shaya I'm the only one that can step into that place and the thing that makes me most Happy is that we are a family and a strong one at that…..after only twenty minutes in the car I am cuddled into Danny my head in his neck and I'm already asleep the last thing I remember from that is Danny putting the blanket over me I only realise this because I take in the scent of it and its either Rosie or Shaya’s I smile as Danny must have brought it to give me and him comfort when we are missing them luckily they have loads of blankets, the next thing I know is Danny kissing my lips to wake me up and I flicker my eyes open and we have arrived at the airport I groan and reluctantly get out the car as Danny and my Dad take the cases I still have my head in Danny’s neck holding onto his free hand as we go round the back of the airport as we have to get on the first Class bit of the plane and if the paps see where were boarding to that’s it were screwed, not long after my Dad and Dan hand our cases over and I just have my bag and the blanket Danny placed around me as we say goodbye to my parents and board the empty first class bit of the plane yay I'm glad its just us we sit down obviously next to each other. Me and Danny both belt up and I hold Danny’s hand because he knows I'm so scared of flying and he palls the arm rest up and I cuddle into him again as we take of I squeeze his hand so hard but when we are in the air I'm fine I'm tired but there is one thing I'm craving (NOT like a pregnancy craving don’t get to exited) so I ask Danny for it as he’s the only one that has ever done it right.

Jessie: Danny..Baby (I say in almost a whisper)

Danny: yes baby..

Jessie: do the tickle thing you do on my back

He smiles and so do I as I nearly sprawl over him and he lift up the back of my top and Grazes over my back his finger nails are just the right length he always knows how to do it perfectly I love the fact that He can send me to sleep just like that as we have a 5 hour plane journey the last thing I remember then is Danny kissing my head and I fall into a deep slumber thinking of how good my life really is and how I have the life someone people wouldn’t even dream of.


I think it like an hour later and I'm awoken by heavy turbulent I think Danny had been sleeping too because he has that sleepy eye look I am already in Danny’s arms so I squeeze him so tight as the turbulent get worse and Danny kisses my head to try calm me down I'm shaking I sob into his chest because when I say I'm scared of flying I mean it I truly am you don’t know how much I hate heights that is defiantly my worst phobia after 10 minutes the turbulent are still going and I'm still sobbing into Danny’s chest my sobs getting harder and Harder I'm so scared right now.

Danny: it’s ok baby I'm here don’t cry ive got you

Hearing those words didn’t stop me crying and being scared it just made my squeeze more of a relaxed one not a very relaxed one I must add but a bit more I hate flying it seriously feels like the pilot is deliberately going up and down up and down…Not cool I finally find some word to say admittedly very quiet and very sobish still in Danny’s chest but still words.

Jessie: i-i-I’m scared Danny

Danny: no need to be sweet heart I’ve got you I promise you won’t go anywhere without me princess

Jessie: i-I love you

Danny: I love you too Angel

I kiss his lips as I look up but as I'm about to put my head back down he lifts my chin up and kisses away my tears that are still escaping my eye’s he really does know how to cheer me up even though I'm still scared shitless he makes the best he can out of a bad situation after what feels like for ever but in reality only 30 minutes the turbulent stop and I am now just cuddling into Danny, Yet again he does something that he knows I love he lifts my T-Shirt back up and Grazes across my back again and I kiss his chest before falling asleep again this time for the rest of the journey because when I wake up I'm still in Danny’s arms but I'm in a taxi weird Danny must have tried not to wake me and if I ask him about it his reply would be ‘Baby but you looked so peaceful’ it always is so I'm just going to go with it and go back to sleep because I'm still tired it’s been a weird Day today and I just want to go to the place we are staying get some food and sleep then the next days of our honeymoon we can do couple things because today has been a lot of upset and a lot of traveling 7 hours in total does take its toll.


Hey guys this is a filler and I know you’ll probably comment saying its shit but that’s what the comments are for feedback so go ahead write your comments.. Everyone has their own opinion to be Honest, err yeah when they get back from Honeymoon that’s when the BIG stuff starts Happening so a blunt mood today Sorry L

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