Fourth Wall

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Petra: I'm so BORED!!!

Axel: Why?

Olivia: Nothing's happened for the past few weeks!

Axel: That's because nobody's played our game for a while.

Jesse: Wait, what are you talking about?

Aiden: Yeah, when is episode 7 coming out? The whole incident with CassieRose got great applause, so I wonder what's next?

Axel: Have you SEEN the fan base? They're speculating like crazy! Also, we're being shipped with each other.

Maya: 😘

Aiden: 😙

Axel: And that's canon. Anyway, you're gonna have to be bored until the next episode!

Lukas: Stop. Breaking. The fourth wall.

Aiden: What did we say?

Jess: You're not Ralph or Vallenope. Stop knowing you're in a game!

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