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JULY 16TH 2016

ryan ross created a group-chat at 12:24pm.
ryan ross added brendon urie, dallon weekes, josh dun and tyler joseph.
ryan ross changed his name to aceross.

aceross: i have something to tell you all

aceross: well brendon's always known but moral support and shit so...

dallon weekes: we're here for you ryro

josh dun: ditto

tyler joseph: do tell!

brendon urie: :)

aceross: fuuuuuuck i'm just gonna say it

aceross: i'm asexual

aceross: it means i'm personally not interested in having sex with anyone ever... although i have done it once with bren

tyler joseph: smol bean we love you no matter what

josh dun: man it takes balls to say that

dallon weekes: you're my number one ry

josh dun: but you're still interested in guys romantically?

aceross: yes and brendon has been so fucking amazing coping with the fact he can't have sex and... beebo i love you

brendon urie: i'm happy if you're happy babe

josh dun: not to snatch the spotlight or anything but there's something i need to confess too since we're in the mood...

tyler joseph: j whatever it is you don't have to say it now

dallon weekes: nobody's making you do anything man

josh dun: well that's the thing

josh dun: i'm not a man

josh dun changed his name to idkdun.

idkdun: damn i'll need to change the gender settings on this app

tyler joseph: holy shit

brendon urie: so you're transgender? agender or genderfluid?

idkdun: i'm a girl

idkdun: i've always been a girl but it's been rly confusing figuring it all out including my sexuality so i didn't want to tell anyone until i was sure

idkdun: i would prefer it if you all used she/her pronouns and you can ask me anything :)

idkdun: brb i'm going to change the gender on this account

dallon weekes: okay fuck i'm so sorry about calling you man

idkdun: lmao it's okay you didn't know

aceross: this is probably stupid but since you only like guys that means you're straight?

idkdun: it's not stupid you're completely right

tyler joseph: so you don't know what name you want to go by yet

idkdun: probs something beginning with j so it's similar and easy to remember

idkdun: how about jess?

idkdun changed her name to jess.

brendon urie: okay but is this why you grew your hair out to appear more feminine?

jess: ngl yeah

tyler joseph: about the whole twister thing...

jess: i top bitch fight me

tyler joseph: are you fucking serious

jess: but hopefully one day i'll get surgery to get rid of the wormy thing between my legs

jess: then you can fucking top okay

tyler joseph: if i didn't have a girlfriend jessica ;)

jess: jfc

dallon weekes: can i still call you dude?

jess: ofc knock yourself out

tyler joseph: ry you can stop telling me i'm gay now bc i was looking at a gIRL'S ass okay

jess: so you were looking at my ass lol

tyler joseph: um no

aceross: kk ty you're 100% straight as a ruler happy now

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