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jess dun created a private-chat at 09:14am.
jess dun added jenna black.
jess dun changed her name to jess.

jess: can i ask you something?

jenna black changed her name to jen.

jen: ofc!

jess: um

jess: what's it like being a real girl jenna

jen: first off you are a real girl

jen: so you tell me

jess: uh sure what i meant was having a vagina and all that

jen: well i have to take this stupid fucking pill every day so i don't have to ride the crimson wave

jen: oh i forgot you don't get clueless references that's a shame

jen: crimson wave being that time of the month which you are not missing out on believe me

jen: and boobs are rly annoying like

jen: i can't lie on my front in bed? and i have to hold them when i run down the stairs

jen: but i can fit my phone between them so there's that

jess: wow okay

jen: my hair seems to grow quicker than guys' hair but idk if that's a girl thing or just me

jen: anyway i have to cut it like every month and that shit is expensive

jen: but aside from feminism and whatnot it's nice stereotypically letting the boys organise and pay for all the dates

jen: wedding dresses and nail polishes are neat but makeup is a pain in the ass

jess: well great i think i get the picture thanks

jen: look i see how it may bother you... but you are just as much female as i am and if anyone tells you otherwise i will beat their asses

jen: another good thing about being a girl is that stereotypically people don't tend to hit you so i have that advantage

jess: thank you

jen: totally np

jess: (:

jen: is that a backwards smiley face i swear the world is ending

jess: (;

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